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Look back at my work

I am always struggling with my works. When I paint a new picture, there is always a new need, a new style, a new problem.

A simple multiplication of style and motifs can be both productive and interesting. I have not benefited from this.

Do other painters face this problem? Perhaps, in truth, this is what the "painting life" is all about. Still, I am aware that I am too rapid.

I want to post my work here once and look back with you. I may get something out of it.

Nearest Neighbor

I wanted to make a perfect GIF animation, of this motif. And I am satisfied. But I was very tired.

This kind of lotus pond is also called "浄土庭園" (Pure-Land Garden). Pure-Land means heaven in Buddhist style.

Samezu bridge

I love the aura of joy that spring yellow flowers give off. It is maddeningly bright, and it stirs my vision and my heart.

In a 2,000 year old Chinese book, there is this description.

"Spring is the season when all life that was hidden in winter sprouts. The same is true for the human body. If we go against its natural flow, our hearts will be sick in the summer."

Orange Highway

This animation was created using 3D and 2D. The image was inspired by music. I think it is very catchy.

I am very tired of using 3D. But maybe I should get used to this style and make more Drive-gifs.

That's all for this issue. From time to time, I write these articles. Please look with me then.



If 3D is tiring, give it a break to lower the risk of burnout or eyestrain.