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  • MeanRavine_Stationary_GRID.mp4
  • MeanRavine_Moving.mp4
  • MeanRavine_Stationary.mp4
  • MagmaMarina_DAY_GRID.mp4
  • MagmaMarina_NIGHT.mp4
  • MagmaMarina_DAY.mp4
  • MagmaMarina_NIGHT_GRID.mp4
  • DinoStorm_NIGHT.mp4
  • DinoStorm_DAY_GRID.mp4
  • DinoStorm_DAY.mp4
  • DinoStorm_NIGHT_GRID.mp4



Hi everyone!

I'm back! Thank you for being patient while I had some technical difficulties last week. 

Main Map: Magma Marina
"This marinas on fiiiirreee." Well, there is lava flowing all over it. I know magma is technically within the earth but "Magma Marina" is alliterative and I couldn't think of a good name for the map that included lava.

Exclusive Map: Dino Storm
From fire to ice. Here is a cold map for your players. There is a frozen dinosaur beneath, what else lies beneath? What just thawed and is looking for a meal? idk, but at least this one is still frozen.

BONUS Map: Mean Ravine
The bonus map this week doesn't have a grid on the moving map because I feel like the size is useable for all TV sizes! hopefully your players can get to safety before they get crushed! keep in mind, water is hard to move through. 



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