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Today it was 32 degrees celsius where I live.  That's INSIDE the room.  Outside it was 35 degrees.  That's 95 degrees Fahrenheit.  The problem is, I live in a country without air conditioning.  The only equipment we have in our houses is designed to heat them.  I used to live in the Middle East where it was over 40 degrees the entire Summer.  My whole apartment was 21 degrees the entire year round.  This is nothing like that.

This afternoon I had an idea that I would make a nice poolside scene with Ciara and Amanda sipping Martinis.  Maybe Penelope would be a guest.

The problem is that I loaded up Daz Studio and the fans in my computer were rattling so hard I thought the case was going to burst open and they would fly out.  Maybe it was something to do with Ciara's new swim suit...

Anyway I snapped off some renders using a recent pose that I made and quickly shut things down.  I guess we can put Ciara's brief nap down to the effects of mild heatstroke...

Hopefully this heatwave won't last more than a few more days.

Update - Ciara had a sip of water and is feeling fine now.




Oh be still my beating heart! Ciara looks so freaking sexy in that. Lucky for me it's not a sexy/seductive pose or I'd be a puddle on the floor, haha. Lovely