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 You have your dream writing job for the top multi-level news outlet. While the job is a dream, your boss hovers over you, worried about how you work.

Then, one late night at the office, you and him discuss why...

VA - Mr. Emmerson

This script was written by Ms. Bunny

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Rekindling Old Flames

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Search for Mr. Emmerson's tag in the Patreon filters if you want to discover more of his work with BKS!


As a reminder, you can vote on and choose more story ideas and series for Best Kept Secret to take on or continue at bksaudio.com. If you are on The Secret Tier you can submit story ideas here by using the email connected to your Patreon account.

And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 530+ audios) HERE.




Welcome back Mr. Emmerson! 🥺🥺🥺hope to hear more of you soon! 💜


I love me some Mr. Emmerson! This was amazing ❤️❤️