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Hey everyone! I hope you all are well. Things have been busy the last few weeks, so let me dive into what I've been up to.

Writing Update:
I've been working on a few things that I will hopefully be able to share soon. Right now, as part of the contract, my lips of sealed. I thought the amount of work would only take me a few days, but it ended up taking an entire week. I've finished that and got paid, so I'm now free to work on other items.

In my effort to find some additional jobs, I started looking at writing for games. Think adult VN's. That kind of thing. I've been in contact with multiple teams who are looking for a writer. It sounds like one is going to go through. So, if we get all the paperwork signed and everything, I'll announce that. It would only be something part time. So, something on the weekends. We'll see how it goes.

But now that I'm done with the previous projects, I can get back to finishing Warhawk 3. So, my plan is to put all my time and effort into that this week to make sure it gets out of the door by the end of the month. So for my beta readers, be prepared to get a message this weekend or early next week.

Once I finish Warhawk 3, I'm going to start on the script for the audio piece that I promised for you guys. That shouldn't take me more than a day. Then I'll have to start scouting for VA talent. When I get to that point, depending on how many auditions we get, I'll plan on doing a community vote for who we want.

Beyond that, I'll be working on the romance book. That's going to take me until March at the earliest, April at the latest, is my guess. 

I'll also be taking a few classes between now and May just to get some certifications to make myself more viable in the market should all of this implode. 

Mentally, I'm feeling pretty good about things. I'm starting off the year strong. My hope is that Warhawk 3 and the romance book sell well. If not, that's okay. I'm keeping my expectations low. But if so, I may need to start taking the job scouting a bit more seriously. (I'm trying to push it off as much as I can lol) 

Fingers crossed for me.

All the contracted art is up for Divine and higher tiers. We have pinups through April. We have nothing pending on this right now. Depending on what the next few months brings and what books I write, will determine what the next round of pinups will be and with who.

Rebecca is planning to record Warhawk 3 in February once it's released on ebook. 

So here is the plan for now:

Theoretical Alternating pen schedule:
Warhawk 3: mid to late
(Writing alt pen) January - March
Warhawk 4: April - May
(Writing alt pen) June - July
Strength Unleashed 2: Aug - Sept
(Writing alt pen): October - November

(depending on how the romance pen does will determine if I finish that pen after two books and then just go back to focusing on the job search and writing harem part time.)

That's it from me this week. I hope you all have a great week ahead!



Plz dont forget Supplying Supers

Noah Parsons

Will you share your other work with us when you can I would love to support all of your work


I'm not sure. Right now the plan is not to just because I don't want to mess up the amazon algorithm. But I also don't want to leave you guys hanging while I work on it. So I'm trying to think of other options during that period. I may just pause subscriptions during that time so you don't feel like you're missing out. If you have any other ideas let me know.

Eric Andrade

If you are looking my for talents I cannot recommend Jessica Threet enough as your female VA. She is in almost all of my favorite Harem LitRPG books. Alyssa poon being my second most recommended. Can’t wait for strength unleashed second book to finally come out. Definitely my favorite from your work