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Hey everyone, I hope you all are having a great weekend. I wanted to give you all an update on how things are going.

Writing Progress:
Warhawk 3 is coming along. I'm shooting to have it completed by the 15th. No later than the end of the month. Once I'm finished with it, I'll be rolling right into Warhawk 4. I may take a week or so between Christmas and New Years off, but I'll probably fill that time with plotting W4, working on a few things for Dragon's Archon 2, and accounting work before tax season.

JClea should have Devon's armor render tomorrow. Then she'll be working on the explorer's outfit. She's planning on having that one done by the 20th, so I'll be ready to build out the character sheet which will get updated as Dragon's Archon goes on. Evul is still working on the next few pinups. He's planning on having the bonus Christmas gift one for you all before the holiday and then we'll have the next few months ones up. 

I'm back to searching for a new cover artist. June is having issues with her pregnancy and I haven't heard back from her in weeks. Macarious does great work, but he always misses deadlines which I can't afford as we go into the next year. So you may see some new covers for Dragon's Archon over the next few weeks if I try out some new artists. If you have any covers that you really like (excluding Bruce's/Yanai's cuz he's keeping her busy) let me know.

I've been talking with Rebecca the last few weeks and QA'ing chapters of Supers as they come in. The plan is to have it all done by Tuesday and have the updated lines by Friday so we can get this uploaded. If we hit that, then we'll be looking at having it release the week of Christmas. It's kind of a shitty week to launch an audiobook, but I'd much rather get it out asap than delay it any longer.

After Supers she'll be jumping into Dragon's Archon or Warhawk 3. I haven't really asked, regarding her schedule. I may have her do Warhawk 3 earlier, since that's going to come out before Dragon's Archon. Depending on how fast she is, she might still get W3 and DA audio done before I'm ready to release DA with Warhawk 4. 

Current Schedule:
Dragon's Archon 1: Done/Editing
Warhawk 3: 85%
Warhawk 4
Dragon's Archon 2
Dragon's Archon 3 (If DA does well, there will be more)
Strength Unleashed 2.

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a good week ahead. 


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