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Hello, everyone!

Corsair is humming along. Had a slight scheduling hiccup, but as of this morning, that has been resolved.

All of Ivan's and Innie's audio, as the alien and Artemis respectively, has been processed and installed. Additionally, all of their non-sex dialogue has been lip-synced as well. Let me tell you, lip-syncing an alien that doesn't have lips is... an experience. I think it came out functional, though. Not good, but functional. You can vaguely tell his mouth might possibly be potentially make the sounds he is saying.

Similarly, all of Ivan's and Innie's sex-scene audio has been synchronized in Resolve. Getting it all exported into SFM for lip-sync is the next step, but the way that I work means I can't do that until all the audio has been processed and installed. Which leads into the scheduling hiccup mentioned at the top of the post:

Milly was planning to get her audio to me by last Friday, which was our target date, but her area got hammered hard by ice storms which ended up causing her delays. I woke up this morning to an email from her with her audio though, and while I haven't had the time to process it yet, I suspect it will be exactly what I need to get the final ball rolling.

At this point, my imminent plan is to get Milly's audio (as Medusa) processed and installed, to finalize synchronizing all the sex scenes in Resolve and place all of her non-sex audio in SFM. Then I can export out the synchronized sex audio from Resolve and install it in SFM to finish lip-syncing.

After the lip-syncing is done, the last big thing I need to do is narrative and detail animation - moving heads and hands as characters talk, body sway as they listen, small imperfections on loops to make them feel more organic. The usual stuff.

All of that is going to be done in parallel to my sound designer's work. Once the audio is all installed into SFM, I intend to immediately push it off for him to do his magic. While he makes the video sound good, I make the video look good. Or try at least. I can never promise I will succeed.

So that's where we are at. Overall, I'd say we're still on course for a February-2nd release. At this point, sound design and render times will probably be the biggest deciders of whether we hit or miss that target.

I should have a pretty firm finger on the pulse of the project by the next Progress Report, on January 29. Until then, everyone!



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