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Hello, everyone!

Two Mondays in a row. Let's see if we can't keep this pace up.

Not as much to report as I'd like, unfortunately. It was one of those weeks where I kept falling down rabbit-holes and getting pulled away from things and wasn't able to really get into a flow state and be productive.

That isn't to say I didn't get stuff done, as the poster suggests. Just that I didn't really get much done of what I wanted to get done.


You all remember Princess Kaeleen from last week's Progress report. Well, I did a bit more work on her. I get her Gala dress finished up, and then felt like jumping over her entire story arch and going straight to the end-game. I like to always keep the end in sight, the goals being strived toward. But I suppose that I need to at least justify this particular end-game.

I mentioned last week that when we first meet Kaeleen, she gets overwhelmed (and excited) by the flood of sexual energy emanating from the guests at the gala she attends. Elaborating on that, Kaeleen is very timid and reserved - which is a problem, seeing as she's the heiress for her small realm.

Long story short, her family, peers, and the general public consider her too gentle and soft-hearted for the cutthroat politics of being a sovereign, and consider her a straight disappointment compared to her now-missing elder sister. Her stimulation at the gala, combined with a few other circumstantial factors, prod her onto a journey of self-discovery spanning the continent.

Along her journeys, she is exposed to a great many different cultures, and finds the confidence and strength she needs to rule. And rule she does - she may leave her realm a timid failure of a princess, but she returns to it as the esteemed Whore Queen of the East, with a venerable army close behind her tight behind.

Also if you can't tell, I have a huge facial-piercings fetish and it is something I don't get to exercise often, so I went ham on Whore Queen Kaeleen's final appearance. A treat for myself, as it were.


Beyond Kaeleen, you may also remember the togruta Meeri, one of a pair of original Star Wars characters. She's been absent a fair while, as she needed a fair bit of texture work and I had other things to do in the meantime. Well, this week I sat down and did that texture work, putting together the designs for her facial markings and her lekku. And I have to say, I am very quite pleased with how she came out.

Just as a quick reminder, Meeri and her twi'lek dommy mommy Tela are (mostly) non-violent petty criminals, operating in the Outer Rim of New Republic* space. Their preferred shtick is sex-work-related grifts, taking turns playing manager/servicer in stripper, prostitute, or slave contexts. They tend to target marks who are equal parts wealthy, sloppy, and sleazy - those with the credits worth stealing, the laziness to not properly protect them, and the thirst to drop them at the first sign of shaking ass and bouncing tits.

Shown here is Meeri's street outfit. It is really rather revealing for wearing casually, but Meeri is extremely proud of her body and likes to show it off - her dommy mommy has spent a lot of good money buying her that body, so she's damn well going to flaunt it. It needs a bit of work yet before it's usable, I had to use Photoshop to hide a lot of bits where her body pokes through the clothes, mostly joints like elbows and knees.

But I'm going to leave finishing her outfit for another time. When I work on these two next, I am going to build Tela's street outfit as well. Meeri needs her dommy mommy.

*I haven't firmly decided when in Star Wars history their stories take place. I am leaning toward the space between the Empire's fall and the rise of the First Order, or between the original Star Wars films and the Disney Sequel films. This would put it within the time of the New Republic, though I am eyeballing closer to the rise of the First Order than the fall of the Empire.


Going to bundle these last few asides all together. First up, I've done a fair bit of outfit work for characters. I've added three new DOAFantasy Prototype 4 outfits to the roster, and they are all available to download on the auto-releaser page (or through the Download Manager), as part of Outfit Pack 1.

Similarly, I've also pushed out an update for a certain blonde pointy-eared lady whose getting a new game in the coming months, and whom I can't use in projects due to the IP owner being a draconian litigious petty tyrant. This update fixed a few minor issues with an outfit, as well as added a few new bodygroups to it and also added a short-hair variant to her, since her base hair falls down to her ass and is honestly kind of a bitch to work with, and she's getting short hair in her upcoming sequel game anyways so, why not.

And then finally, I also figured out how to properly port things out of PC Building Simulator 1. This doesn't really mean much to any of you, but it means I will be able to actually put together some assets for my Gamer Girl ladies, notably Marie and DVa. Can't really flex their hardware without hardware to flex.

Unfortunately I can't yet port assets from PC Building Simulator 2, as the tools haven't been updated to work on the version of Unity the game is built on. But I think Marie rocking an RTX 3090 Ti is acceptable, rather than an RTX 4090 Ti.


Finally, a progress report on the two major projects in production. Primordium is coming along extremely well - this past Saturday's stream saw us get all of the dialogue animation and camera choreography done for the sex sequence. We decided together to leave the jittering for next Saturday, since people apparently wanted to see that being done, which is just as well - jittering the tavern sequence took 2 solid days of work last week, and that's only a 90-minute sequence. The sex sequence is almost 3 times as long.

All of which means that, if all goes well, next Saturday will end up on the final Primordium Episode 1 sequence ready for a final 2160p render. And even if not, it will be so close to ready that I'll finish it up and get the render going offline.

My sound designer has finally gotten back from his two week journey of gigging with his band, and is ready to get right back on the horse. He's still working on Claire/Jill, and has given up on telling me that "it'll be ready by tomorrow night", which is just as well.

He's taken a cursory look at Primordium Episode 1, and he thinks he can do it rather quickly. We'll see how that turns out. I am thinking we might want to have a backup plan for sound design, just so the video doesn't hang in limbo. I want to get it released on the first of April, if I can manage it.

And then finally, speaking of Claire/Jill, I haven't made as much progress on it as I've wanted. I've only gotten about another minute detailed, putting us at around 10 minutes of the 22-minute runtime. I am hoping this week will be more productive, but if this past week is any indication it may not be - my friends are kicking into high "getting everything ready for their September wedding" mode, and a consequence of that is my getting pulled into a lot more hours-long group chats.

When I mentioned at the top of this post my flow-state's been interrupted by my constantly getting pulled away, that's what I was talking about. It's hard to focus on steamy futa goodness when you have four people constantly pulling on your sleeve dragging you into conversations, games, and plan-making.


That's all for this week! Hopefully next week will have something more substantial to share.

Until then, everyone. Take care!



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