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  • Batcat_Storyboard_Wip01_discord.mp4



Hello, everyone!

Today was the last day I am spending on my detour for other projects. I wish it was a more productive two weeks, but honestly, it really wasn't.

The November thing I'm running over on Twitter has been draining a lot more of my time and energy than I expected. I won't be doing it again next year. I've also had a few other things taking up my time.

I've made some progress on the three projects I wanted to explore these past two weeks, but unfortunately, not nearly as much as I wanted. Batcat here, for example, I haven't touched at all this past week. What I've uploaded now is from last week. I wanted to get it at least up to act 3 or 4 of what I had planned. But I haven't even gotten it out of act 1. Things haven't even fully set themselves up yet.

I haven't even gotten enough done on my third project to share with you all. It was only earlier today that I finally settled on skin-tone and hair-color for the second main character. I was hoping to have her completely built, faceposed, and outfitted, so I could show the two main characters off side by side.

And finally DOAFACU has only made progress insofar as basically wiping out a few things that had been previously established because they were narratively inconsistent and weak in content potential. Haven't even fully replaced them. So if anything, DOAFACU actually regressed during these past two weeks.

Alas, it is what it is.

Tomorrow, I will be returning my attention to the Claire/Jill video. Batcat, DOAFACU, and the third project will once again return to the backburner. It probably won't be till sometime after the New Year before I dig them back up to work on them more.

I am immensely disappointed, but there's nothing to be done for it. Time only flows in one direction, and we can do naught but march in lockstep alongside it. Through the fire and the flames we carry on.

You can download the whole storyboard video below. Obviously the scenes are incomplete, just enough there to sell the idea. The warehouse shelves are important narratively, because the plan is eventually their debauchery knocks over a box full of naughty goodies for them to play with. Them getting steamy in a warehouse was an inspired decision, because of the mysterious nature of what all goes through a warehouse.

Lots of fun plans in store for Batcat. Shame it'll be months before you all will get to see them.

That's all for now. Next week, expect some Claire/Jill updates.



Paolo Urmeneta

That batcat storyboard is IMMACULATE so far, perfectly captures where it's gonna go, and I love the dynamic you got between em already 😂 Can see it shaping up to be *quite* the show~


Actually read that* 🤯😵😖😧 you must have an I.V with redbull pumping in your veins, bro!


I read all my comments. Not just here, but all platforms. Sometimes I even plunge into the hellscape that is the rule34's to see what all of my work has been uploaded and see if any comments were left. Likes are nice and all, but I'll take one good comment over a hundred likes any day of the week.