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Hello, everyone!

As you can tell by this week's post image, the Gaige mini-vid is coming along well. I have nine loops built so far. Honestly not sure how many there will end up being. My plan is to spend this whole week just animating loops. I'll call it good when one of two things happens: Friday passes into Saturday, or I run out of positions to put Gaige and Deathtrap into.

The construction of this minivid is an inversion of previous minivids: where they were all a single animation loop stretched out 2-to-4 minutes, this one is a bunch of animation loops each only a few seconds long, accumulating up to the final runtime of 2-to-4 minutes.

There will also be a small bit of narrative construction on either side, as opposed to the previous construction of the narrative being done entirely within the loops.

In addition to the Gaige video, however, there's even bigger news!

We've officially finished the sound design of Overbreed Episode 0!

My goal is to have it ready to release before I go to bed tomorrow night. That may not happen though, because there is still a single obstacle in the way. It's not a big deal, but it is still there:

The Genebomb model.

Ordagon put together an absolutely fantastic sculpt of the model. The problem is that, as a sculpt, it's about 7 million polygons. That's, uhh, a bit more than Source can handle out of the box. For comparison, my character models are about 60,000 polygons.

Or, put another way, this Genebomb model is polygonally equivalent to just over 116 Mercy's.

Ordagon has been trying to get a low-poly version of the sculpt made, but has been having issues getting the polycount down, as well as just finding time in his schedule to work on it.

So, I'm porting the 7-million polygon sculpt over to Source. It's, uhh, been an adventure. In all, it's going to be split up into over 110 meshes, and then those probably compiled into somewhere around 30 models, depending exactly where Source's hard polygon limit is. And then all 30 of those models will be assembled together in SFM.

All for a single render.

BUT! It'll get done. And it'll look fantastic. And then Overbreed Episode 0 will finally be ready for release.

Finally, the Claire/Jill video is coming along. Silky has recorded all of her audio, and is in the process of, err, processing it all before sending it along. And Sultry is hoping to have her audio recorded before the week is out. Ivan, the badass that he is, recorded his audio before I could even get Silky and Sultry their sequences to dub.

So, things are coming along! And it's looking like we're going to be making up for this unintended drought of video releases over the past few months, with three video releases all within a few weeks of each other - Overbreed Episode 0, the Gaige minivid, and Claire/Jill.

That's all for now. HOPEFULLY the release post will be made in the next 48 hours. And again, as a reminder, there is no early access for Overbreed Episode 0 - the 720p, 1080p, and 2160p will all release at the same time.

Until next time, everyone! Hopefully that's tomorrow!




Thanks for the update. The Gaige stuff is looking good.