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  • OBE0_Wip03_Indies.mp4



Hello, everyone!

Once again, let's all pretend it's actually Monday July 25 and I am posting this on time.

This time around, I actually have a semi-reasonable excuse for the delay, though: I went to a friend's birthday party that ended up effectively killing 3 days. I left Friday afternoon, spent all of Saturday with them, and then got back home Sunday evening.

For those who aren't aware, I effectively only get 3 days a week to work on offline projects: Friday, Sunday, and Monday. Tuesday (today) is a shopping / chores day, Wednesday is a model-stream day, Thursday is my allotted single day off, and Saturday is an animating-stream day.

This birthday party knocked out both Friday and Sunday as work days, and I ended up spending Monday basically just recuperating from the weekend and took it as a soft day off.

My productivity this past week was, thusly, greatly reduced from what I was hoping for. That isn't to say it was all for naught, though: I did manage to get the motion-capture for the televised segments done, and I have to say, I think it came out really good actually. I had to do a bit of cleanup, and there were two parts I had to just completely re-animate by hand, but for 70 seconds of motion-capture footage, only having ~6 seconds of actual work needing to be done is a pretty damn good turnout.

Beyond that, I've gotten a good chunk of the slideshow shots dolly zoomed, including the absolute monstrosity that is this week's preview sequence (the full sequence, with raw dialogue audio, can be viewed as an attachment at the bottom of this post).

I've also started putting together a master timeline for sound design. It's not fully pieced together yet, but has just breached the 5-minute mark. I'm not sure how much footage remains to put together yet, but I'll be surprised if it goes past the 7-minute mark total.

I am hoping to have the full thing pieced together and sent off for sound design by next week's Progress Report, which coincidentally would also be August 1. I don't think it'll be quite ready for a final render by then. But I suspect, unless something goes catastrophically wrong between now and then (which it very well could - never say never), that it'll be extremely close, and definitely ready for a final render by August 8.

I'm still hoping for an August 1 release, but I expect that to come and go. We'll see.

Until next week, everyone!




Thanks for the update. Sounds like despite some setbacks progress was made.