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Runtime: 4:27


  • SultryLamp - Harley, other voices
  • TonedeafSfx - Sound design
  • DancesWithwolves - Subtitles
  • LordAardvark - Everything else

Click here to watch 

Public release date: April 9, 2022


This is a recycle of the canned on-stream Harley video, Holes in the Wall. I liked the idea and the dialogue, but the on-stream video just had terrible pacing, and I'm not one for the sunk-cost fallacy, so I pulled the plug on it. I have a big vat of ideas from which I pull ideas, and when it came time to make a Harley minivid, plucking Holes in the Wall and reinterpreting it to fit the "one loop and a finisher" motif of these minivids was a natural first choice. Cut the chaff and keep the meat, as it were.

This is the last mini-vid I am releasing on a monthly schedule. From here on, they will be released every two months. The next minivid will be released the first week of June.

EDIT: Accidentally had it set to the $10 tier. Meant to be the $5 tier. Ringing the bell again, sorry for the notification to those who already had access.




Would be nice to see this as a mini-vid serie (more gloryhole with your other characters)


I apologize in advance for when Rabbit.Hole Episode 4 sets up and then rug-pulls your expectations. RHE4 starts with DVa looking for a gloryhole (like in the videos she watches), and has her dreams shattered by two helpful young men who explain to her that real life isn't a porno. That is, of course, before two everymen spitroast a world-renowned celebrity superstar.

J Arco

Your work is great, even in small formats like this. Big thumbs up!