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Hey everyone.

Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean I'm not thinking about Blue Star - it just means I can't actively work on it. And I've been thinking about it a lot.

So, I decided to share with you all a sort of high-level overview of my plans for the series as a whole, as well as a season-by-season breakdown.

Note that this post is extremely spoiler-heavy, so if you'd rather keep the characters and pairings a surprise - or if you'd rather keep the story itself a mystery - then I suggest you don't read any further.

Also, the poster above is extremely WIP. I just needed a picture to go with the post.


Right, so let's just start with the juicy stuff. Note that I only have Season 1 drafted out on a per-episode basis. I have most of the scenes planned out for Season 2, but I don't have anything but the first and last episodes cemented. The last episode is represented as "S2EF", where "F" stands for "final". Similarly, there is an "S2E(F-1)", meaning "the episode before S2EF".
  • Season 1, Episode 1 (S1E1): Liara x Jack
  • S1E2: Jack x Batarian
  • S1E3: Liara x Yahg
  • S1E4: Jack x Krogan & 2 Humans
  • S1E5: Femshep x Vorcha (recorded, gangbang)
  • S1E5: Liara x Humans (gangbang)

  • S2E1: Tali x Volus
  • S2E?: Tali x 3 Humans
  • S2E?: Aria x 2 Hanar
  • S2E?: Liara x ???
  • S2E?: Jack x ???
  • S2E?: Femshep x Krogan (recorded, gangbang)
  • S2E(F-1): Aria x Jack x Humans (two-girl gangbang)
  • S2EF: Liara x Tali x Vorcha (two-girl gangbang)


Alrighty, now for what I consider to be the interesting stuff. I don't expect many people to share that sentiment, but for the three of you who do actually care about the story, then please feel free to indulge yourselves in this section.

Overall story:

The overall story involves a clandestine group that works closely with the Shadow Broker, and is so obtuse and secretive they don't even have a name - or at least, there is no one who has ever heard them use a name to refer to themselves. Instead, they are only identified by the eerily strong color of the star anchoring the system they are believed to be headquartered in: a deep, navy blue star.

This group, Blue Star, can be thought of in the following way: if the Shadow Broker is the eyes and ears, then Blue Star are the arms and legs. Any information the Shadow Broker comes across that they feel should be acted on, they work through Blue Star to get it done. Blue Star never operate directly on the Shadow Broker's information, instead bringing in proxies to do the work for them. They often shovel so many layers of proxy onto the job to make it virtually impossible to trace back to them, and use various social engineering techniques to often convince their contractors that they are doing the job for their own benefit, rather than Blue Star's.

Throughout the course of events in the Blue Star series, it will be revealed that Blue Star had their tendrils deep in the back-story of almost every main character of the Mass Effect series. Some tendrils were so deep that the characters were even aware they were being manipulated, and other tendrils had their meddling obfuscated with technology.

Blue Star's sex trade & Femshep's secret:

A particularly significant role that Blue Star play in the series is their sex trade: one of their many tasks, working in symbiosis with the Shadow Broker, is to keep information flowing. One of the ways they do this is with the use of "ambassadors" - willing women eager to let delegations from all races and wakes of life indulge in their bodies for pleasure (RE: fuck them silly), from regal Turian lords to drug-addicted Human thugs.

Season 1 of Blue Star builds up to the reveal that Femshep, in the years between her turning 18 and joining the Alliance, worked with Blue Star as an ambassador. She was, by far, their most popular ambassador, and her leaving dealt a noticeable blow to their operation.

They have brought in a handful of new ambassadors, but success has been limited. Shortly after the destruction of the Normandy SR-1, they picked up Tali'Zorah as their current ambassador. The Migrant Fleet was stricken with famine, and when it was explained to her what her duties would be (and enticed by the new experiences their immunoboosting treatment would give her, by letting her leave her suit safely), she eagerly accepted the role.

Season 2 begins with Tali's immunoboosting treatments being completed, and her eagerly jumping into her ambassadorial roles. However, Blue Star are aware that Tali, while eager to have sex without repercussion, is loyal to the Fleet and not to them. They know that, as they make due on their promise to her to help the Fleet, she would leave and return to her people.

And so Blue Star have had a new candidate ambassador in their sights, and have been using their sights to groom her for the role: Doctor Liara T'Soni. The Season 1 finale brings Blue Star into the limelight, with the series' "antagonist", a Turian currently only referred to in my notes as "The Director", boldly revealing himself to Liara. As is Blue Star's way, he deceives Liara into eagerly accepting his "promotional tease" of working for Blue Star, by way of interrupting her as she masturbates to footage of Femshep's history as an ambassador - already horny and close to climaxing by herself, she eagerly jumps on the group of human cocks that the Director offers her.

Season 2 escalates both Liara's and Tali's stories and their interactions with Blue Star. Tali's journey as an ambassador is shown in a three-part sequence (separated by other episodes, as is the narrative style of the series), while Liara's initial resistance to Blue Star's offers is eroded through a combination of their offers to use their resources to help find Femshep and Liara's growing sexual appetites that Blue Star are only too willing to satisfy. Season 2's finale erupts in a steamy gangbang with both Tali and Liara - the current ambassador and the future ambassador - satisfying themselves, each other, and a group of particularly eager Vorcha.

I need to throw in a canon-maintaining clause here. One of the conditions that the girls accept when becoming an ambassador is that, upon their exit, Blue Star expunges all memory of the girl's time working with them, replacing that time with sufficient false memories. It's a bit of a cop-out, but I don't want to completely stomp over canon here! I need some way to explain why this is never brought up in the games!

Blue Star & Jack's vendetta:

In a story parallel to Liara's (and later Tali's), Jack becomes similarly involved with Blue Star, albeit in a more indirect way.

After a steamy anal romp with a down-on-his-luck Batarian pilot, Jack is enraged when she learns that she has actually encountered him once before: as a child, freshly escaped from the hell that was Pragia. He was one of the crew aboard the ship that was passing by when she escaped, collected her shuttle, and then consequently raped her and sold her into slavery, setting her onto a long path of violence and abuse that birthed the Jack we all know.

After exacting revenge on him in droves, Jack finds herself with a new quest, taking precedence over the job Liara hired her to do. With the names and last known locations of the rest of the crew who captured her, she intends to hunt them down personally and show them the monster they helped create.

However, through her hunt and the various sexual escapades she utilizes to progress it, it is slowly revealed that not even Jack's tortured history can escape the clutches of Blue Star: the Batarian slavers that she now hunts were then hired by Blue Star on an unrelated job. She was never a part of their plan, but it was because of Blue Star hiring those slavers that they happened to be over Pragia when she escaped.

As Jack learns not only of the existence of this shadow group that personally disrupts the galaxy for their own goals, but of their direct involvement in her misery, her vendetta shifts from targeting the Batarians who destroyed her life to the clandestine organization that built her own personal Gomorrah.

Her exploits eventually lead her to Omega, and landing her a meeting with the Queen herself. As the central hub of all things criminal that happens in Omega, Aria unsurprisingly has a real, tenuous connection to Blue Star. Of course, she isn't willing to share it without compensation, and Jack offers it in the only currency she's willing to spend: her body. Aria isn't satisfied with keeping Jack to herself, though, (and we're not satisfied either - Jack with an Asari was the very first episode, after all!), and so they end up both satisfying a group of particularly lecherous humans. 

Blue Star's clandestinity that the characters are unaware of:

As if this wasn't too complex a story already, there is also a third plot running through the series, interweaving the stories of the girls themselves and tying them neatly to Blue Star, but tying the girls' partners as well.

Every episode of Blue Star's first season ends with an after-credits scene, tying to the Director in some way. In the first episode, for example, it is a simple transmission between the Shadow Broker and the Director, discussing that Liara's resolve must also be tested, in addition to her receptiveness. This is later explained to be referring to her resolve in finding Shepard, which will in turn buy her loyalty to Blue Star, and her receptiveness to the prospect of becoming a cum dumpster / ambassador.

The second episode's bonus scene is more astute, with the Batarian that Jack had just finished battering making contact with the Director, informing him that the girl from Pragia found him. The Director is annoyed at the call, but becomes truly upset when the Batarian explains that she has the names of the rest of the crew, and that surely at least one of them will give her a connection to Blue Star and to the Director himself. The Director scolds the Batarian, explaining that he told them the girl was a mistake when it happened, before telling the Batarian he's done enough damage already and that he will deal with Jack himself.

The rest of Season 1 will continue with the after-credits scenes, cementing both how clearly Blue Star are aware of the girls' travels, but also how close the girls are to finding Blue Star. Even the reveal of the Director - in person - as the finale of Season 1 doesn't end the after-credits scenes: the finale ends with an after-credits discussion of the Director with Miranda Lawson, discussing the hundreds of hours and exabytes of footage they have of Femshep's time with Blue Star, as Miranda reveals that her Lazarus project has begun work on the newly-acquired body.

Season 2's take on Blue Star's story and relationship to the partners will be more explicit, since Season 2 consists of Liara's direct interactions with the group, and Jack being hot on their trail.

A final uniting, and the undoing of clandestinity

The space between Season 2 and the series finale is hugely ambiguous, as I will describe below.

But what I do know is that the season will end with both Jack and Liara together in one last scene - the only time they will be together, after the first episode, in an act of symmetry.

I'm not sure if it will be another lesbian scene (which I am leaning toward, as part of that symmetry) or another orgy, but the narrative of their unity will be that all of the cards that have been stacking up against Blue Star finally come crashing down.

Sometime throughout the later seasons, be them just Season 3 or however many come after, a schism will grow between the Shadow Broker and Blue Star. The specifics aren't ironed out, but the Shadow Broker grows increasingly paranoid of Blue Star's connections and convinces himself that they are operating beyond his parameters and making moves against him.

At the same time, while Season 3 focuses on Liara as Blue Star's new ambassador, it also sows the seeds of Liara's plan to destroy the group from within. Their estimation of her strong resolve is true, but misguided: she is indeed resolute in finding Shepard, but that does not mean she is loyal to Blue Star. Indeed, she exploits the pairings they put her in, and the connections her role as ambassador yields her, to collect her own information on Shepard - and when she finally has enough to satisfy her, she tugs on all those delicate webs she had been weaving to crash the whole thing down.

Between Liara's sabotage, and the Shadow Broker's paranoia, when she finally deals her dizzying blow, he comes in for the kill. The Blue Star organization are disbanded, and by the time that Shepard is resurrected in Mass Effect 2, the group is but a memory.

By the end, Tali's memory of the entire ordeal is wiped, like any other ambassador. Liara's memory is only selectively wiped - she willingly chooses to expunge the painful memories of watching her beloved Femshep being fucked by swaths of men from various species, grinning stupidly at the camera through her cum-covered face. She also chooses to keep the other memories, as a reminder to herself of just how much Femshep means to her - and it is these memories, among others, that makes Liara the cold-hearted and cutthroat information broker she is in Mass Effect 2.

Similarly, Jack retains her memories, but it does her little good, seeing as she is captured by the Blue Suns shortly after and tossed into Purgatory, where she is later found by Commander Shepard. She never knew of Femshep's role in Blue Star, and by the time she and Liara meet again, whatever relationship they might have had is all but forgotten - the past is the past, and all things considered, their escapades are hardly worth mention.

Season 3, and maybe more? The long-term future of Blue Star

As I said above, I don't have anything planned for Season 3, beyond it focusing on Liara as Blue Star's new ambassador, and Jack becoming directly involved with Blue Star.

As it is right now, I don't think I will be writing any seasons past 3. Put another way, I think that Season 3 will be the last season of Blue Star.

Beyond Liara's ambassadorial role and Jack's direct involvement, I would like to bring Miranda and Kasumi Goto into the fold in Season 3. Kasumi was originally written into Season 2, as a stealthy counterpart to Jack's violence, but then I wrote Tali into the season and it pushed her out.

Miranda, I just want to bring in - her Australian accent is just as sexy as her skintight outfit, in my opinion. I would love to give her a scene with the Illusive Man, but that would require me finding someone whose not only able of pulling off a convincing impression of Martin Sheen, but would also be willing to voice a pornographic series as him. I also have a really strong urge to write in a scene with Miranda and a Varren, which would explain the age-old question of "who brought Scale-Itch aboard the Normandy SR-2" that Mordin conveniently fails to answer - probably on the request of the Illusive Man, whom she is blindly loyal to during this span of time.

I'd like to bring in Ashley and Kelly Chambers somehow, but I frankly just don't see any way to fit either into the story.

Similarly, I have no plans at all for Chakwas, Samara, Samantha Traynor, or EDI.

So that's it.

That's my overview of Blue Star. I hope you guys and gals are interested in this convoluted little story I've put together, and I hope you guys and gals are looking forward to the first episode (and subsequent episodes) as I am.

It's 5:15AM now, and I've spent over an hour writing this post. I'm going to bed now. I apologize for any typos or grammatical oddities.



Ladies Man 7777

And I thought my fanfics were complex....Dang this looks good, especially Yahg and Krogan ones can those take priority? Lol

Supreme Overlord Llama

Sure I came for that sweet blue alien ass but having read all this, make that four who care about the story.


as I was reading, I was getting anxious as I didn't see Miranda's name. whew! there it is! with a varren..hot hot hot..maybe a group of vorchas too! you sure have taken ME to new level!


Love ME and Jack was always my favorite girl, but this is going to be awesome. Excellent work so far. Good luck and keep up the good work.


How i can see this?


I can't see all the video


That all sounds amazing. I sincerely look forward to the next installment of season 1 whenever it gets into your pipeline.


How do you watch all the episodes


Very nice