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Hello, everyone.

I was hoping to get the Rebecca mini-vid rendering last night, so I could make this Progress Report with a screenshot of the render window. Alas, I didn't quite get it there.

However, it is incredibly close. It is fully lip-synced, lit, and asset-complete (animating those labcoats was almost as much fun as rigging them... I may or may not regret the base model I used for them, because it has gaping holes in the outfit underneath the coat, meaning I had to be extremely particular about how it's rigged and animated so as to avoid revealing the missing mesh).

All that's left to get the Rebecca mini-vid rendering is the expression-motion pass, which is basically the head and body moving to emote alongside the dialogue. That is today's goal.

With any luck, it will be rendering by the time I go to bed tonight, and it will likely be ready to publish by the 5th. The big time constraint here is the render time, but with only a handful of lights and actors, with a runtime just over 2 minutes, it shouldn't take that long - far quicker than the Femshep minivid, which had a similar runtime but had more lights and actors involved.

While and after this is rendering, my plan for this and next week are to get the next 3 mini-vids up to the voicing stage. All three videos still need to get voices confirmed, but they're not ready for that just yet. I just need to finish writing the Harley project's dialogue, whereas the Leliana and Frozen projects still need to be animated and written. And yes, these minivids are built backwards - I animate them first, then throw in naughty banter to fill them out.

Again, these minivids aren't really "projects" in the classical sense. They're content drips, glorified loops to keep people sated while I work on other, bigger things.

Once the next 3 mini-vids enter the voicing phase, I will shift gears back to Overbreed. Been aching to make forward progress on it, but other things have been taking priority, and I've had a bit of a model-creating bug, as well as a poster-creating bug and an animation-experimenting bug, which you've no doubt noticed over the past few weeks - especially if you follow my Twitter.

Though among the various experiments and flights of fancy linked above, I did put together is neat effect for Overbreed! You can watch the animation of it over on, you guessed it, Twitter. If you haven't figured it out yet, Twitter is the best place to follow my day-by-day shenanigans.

That's all for now. Until next week, everyone! 




Sweet, looking forward to the Rebecca vid when it is done. Thanks for the update!

J Arco

Just want to say how awesome it is of you to take time out of your, obviously, very busy schedule to post updates like this. As far as I'm concerned, it is above and beyond. Your appreciation for your fans is obvious when you post these. Thank you for taking the time to do them, and for your amazing (and fucking hot) videos/images/mini-comic/work in general. Cheers!