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  • bluestar_ep1_sexscene_patreon_c.mp4
  • bluestar_ep1_postsex_wip.mp4
  • bluestar_ep1_wip_patreon.mp4



Hey everyone! So I have a doozy of a WIP post for you!

First thing I want to make abundantly clear is that everything seen here is still very much a work in progress. The scenebuild for the sex scene isn't built yet (obviously), and is actually what I am working on right now. The pre-sex narrative was recorded before I built the lighting for the club. ALL of the animation is very stilted right now, focusing only on the critical motions, and will be refined over the next few days. The subtitles are for the voice actresses, to give them a sense of pacing and how their lines fit into the piece.

The sex scene is currently composed of discontinuous animations. You can read the sex scene, linked above, and see how those will come together. I am expecting the sex scene to fall into the 2-to-4 minute range, which would bring the whole episode into the 5-to-7 minute range for runtime.

The episode is currently drafted for a July 25 release, but that's really close to the wire! Here's hoping that the voice actresses are able to get me their audio in time!

That's all for today! Hopefully the next post you see here about this episode will be announcing its release!



Ladies Man 7777

This is looking crazy good and if your at this lvl and Andromeda isnt even out yet, by the time it does and a few months go by you will be the Kingpin of this stuff and might even be in the Vr scene!


Thank you! That means a lot to me, especially with the raw state everything is in right now.


Updated with 26 new images, from the sex- and post-sex scenes.