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Hello, everyone!

Another day-late progress report. I apologize. I considered making this post last night, but I was right on the knife's edge of consequential progress, that I decided to delay a day and have more to report.

And what a report it is! The long and short of it is, Overbreed Episode 1 is almost finished with writing. As I have discussed before, Overbreed Ep1 is composed of 4 elements: three sex sequences (referred to internally as Sequences A, B, and C), and the narrative superstructure built around those three sequences.

The lion's share of the project is Sequence C, which has been where my attention has been focused the past few weeks. Sequence C was so enormous and complex that I actually wrote an entire program, my Reference Collector tool, specifically for writing and managing Sequence C.

That program paid dividends on the time investment, and I ended up using its quality-of-life features extensively with writing Sequence B over the past few days. Yes, that's right, I've returned my attention to Sequence B - in previous posts, I noted how Sequence A was a very short sequence and was pretty much already finished, Sequence C was the major sequence and was getting attention, and how Sequence B was the neglected middle-child in need of a complete rework.

Well, Sequence C is now completed in terms of writing. I've touched up Sequence A, but it really didn't need much work, and so I have now begun in earnest on Sequence B. I've thrown out revision 1 of Sequence B, and have completely rewritten it. That rewrite was finished last night, and today was spent workshopping the first draft of revision 2. I actually canceled my regular Saturday stream because of this - I didn't even realize it was Saturday up until the time the stream began, because DancesWithWolves and I were so deep into workshopping the draft. The past few days have been fevered in the best way possible, and the sickness going around is writing madness.

Overall, Sequence B is significantly stronger now that it was in revision 1, and I am proud to say that I am no longer ashamed of it sitting alongside the spicy cold-open of Sequence A and the eronarrative* juggernaught that is Sequence C. Sequence B is no longer the red-headed step-child of yore, and in fact I think that, much like Sequence C, it could be completely standalone and be considered a competent and complete smaller video.

*Yes, I just invented a new term - if games critic get to combine "ludology" (the study of gameplay) with "narrative" (the art of storytelling) in creating the term "ludonarrative" to describe the relation between gameplay and storytelling, then I claim I have the right to combine "erotica" (the art of sexuality) and narrative in creating the term "eronarrative" to describe the relation between sexuality and storytelling.

Of course, while Sequence B and Sequence C could be stand-alone, complete stories, they are not. They are components of the larger singular story that makes up Episode 1, connected together by common theses and motifs that are subdued by themselves but reinforced holistically. And then, of course, Episode 1 is part of the larger whole that is the Overbreed miniseries as a whole.

While Sequence B isn't in a place where I am comfortable sharing it, mostly because it is still just a draft, and my co-writers and I have already identified a few areas that need to be reworked, to say nothing of general tuning and polishing, I am comfortable with sharing this particular description that Dances used to describe a particular part of it:

"she's basically having the 'biotic god' thing from Niftu Cal but with penis, I see no problems here. that's really the best part of the whole thing, she just goes full 'great wind' because of the horny."

But you wonderful guys and gals know what is in a place I am comfortable sharing it? Sequence C.

That's right. I'm sharing with you all, right here and right now, the exact raw data that my co-writers and I are working with for Sequence C. This is the exact screenplay, as it is right now, that we have greenlit. In all of its 530 formatted lines of glory. I have to give special thanks to ThatSFMNoob and Bruce Parker, who are respectively native Mexican Spanish and Swiss German speakers, for providing proof-reading and translation checking for Sombra and Mercy respectively.

You can find the download for Sequence C's screenplay as an attachment to the bottom of this post. It is rather large because it also comes with the GIF references used. The screenplay references these GIFs, and for best reading, you should have them both open simultaneously, lining up the GIF that's currently playing as the screenplay moves between them.

That's all I have for now. It's been a momentous few days. I'm normally apprehensive when it comes to sharing screenplays, but honestly, I'm confident that these references and screenplay just don't do justice to how the final product will turn out, fully voiced and animated. I hope you find the screenplay tantalizing, and I hope you find the time invested in writing it justified. Now take that tantalization and that justification, and amplify it ten-fold. That's what I personally expect the final product to do for it all.

This video will be glorious, my friends. Simply glorious.

Until next time, everyone! Hopefully, for next week's progress report, I will have Sequence B to similarly to share, and will be working on nailing down the narrative metastructure and finalizing the integration of these sequences into it.



