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Hello, everyone!

It's been a milestone week! I have finally finished editing all 30 bloody pages of the DVa comic. Now I just have to finalize the renders and composite the shots.

I've released pages 13-15 today, leaving exactly half the comic left to be made. 15 pages. I've been able to (barely) scrape together 3 pages every Friday for the past few weeks, but it literally takes me all day.

It is possible that I will have the entire release-worthy by this time next Friday. But that requires me firing on all cylinders for basically 100% of the week. I could utilize Saturday's stream tomorrow to alleviate some of the pressure, but I have a 12-asset backlog of things to release. I intended to release all 13 assets yesterday, but I ended up being indisposed for most of the day, and only managed to release Sombra. So Saturday will be used to push further on releasing the rest of those assets.

Our Wednesday modeling stream was hugely productive though from a research & development perspective, yielding not only much better-looking genital flexes, but more expansive ones to boot. Rachel might actually be able to fit all 24 inches of Chaos' love shaft, without any scale fuckery, after all!

Progress has been made on the Overbreed revision. It has officially entered V3. The individual Zarya storylines have been split up, and rather than each episode containing 2 storylines each, with two half-episodes dedicated specifically to Zarya, each episode now contains 3 storylines, with the third storyline being a fragment of those previous Zarya storylines recycled. The goal is to cold open each episode with Zarya in a "flashforward", before having a "X hours earlier" smash cut to the actual episode, to keep the end goal always in sight and keep people (hopefully) interested in the series, to see the Zarya story fully unfold. The number of episodes in the miniseries is currently in flux: originally planned for 7, it may be reduced to 6. I am exploring more creative ways to break the mold of the existing episodes' structures to maintain 7 episodes. Hopefully next week I will have a more concrete idea of the new overall Overbreed structure.

And then finally, I am not committing 100% right now, but I am definitely thinking I am going to be prioritizing finishing Rachel/Chaos over Overbreed, once Data Collection is finally done (hopefully next week!!). The genital-flex improvements has really rekindled that flame - I'm not sure how to feel about my interest in an artistic project being reignited by a technical achievement, but nevertheless, here we are.

That's all for now. See you all next week!



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