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Hey all! So, as I promised, I'm trying to do weekly Friday updates on Hiveship. (UPDATE: I just now realized it's Thursday. I thought it was Friday. Oh well, posting anyways!)

Let me start off by saying that I was hoping to have the screenplay finished by today, but I did not manage to do that.

However, progress has been made with the screenplay. I am writing it out shot-by-shot, where a shot consists of a single camera angle, and two shots mean that the camera cuts from one position to another.

As of this writing, I currently have 91 shots written. For reference, the 40-second Nualia commission animation I made a few weeks ago has 6 shots, and Wilderness has 65 shots, clocking in at 3 minutes. As I'm sure you can figure out from the disparity there, shots are a terrible way to judge run-time of a piece.

However, they do give me a very loose-cannon prediction model. If I were to assume that each shot in Hiveship is 80% the length of the shots in Wilderness (and evenly distributed), then I can say that 65 shots would be equal to about 2:30. Then, the 91 shots I have written would be roughly 3:30. In all actuality, I expect these 91 shots to fall anywhere from 3:00 to 5:00 in length, however.

Some weeks ago I posted this free tentacle-sex storyboard for Hiveship, which I have been using as reference for writing the screenplay, in combination with the prose I posted as a $1 Patreon reward. To give you guys some perspective, the first position begins at shot 33 of the screenplay. As of right now, shot 91 is in the middle of point four of the second image. So it took me roughly 60 shots to get through most of the first two tentacle-sex poses.

I feel like I should note that the first two poses (and the last) are the heaviest in terms of dynamics - the middle 5 are written to be a sort of montage. As such, I have no idea how long those 5 shots will be in comparison, but I feel reasonably safe to say that the final draft of the screenplay will probably have around 200 shots in it.

I have also drafted out what the bonus ending scene is going to be, which will be part of the $50 reward, and released to the public for free a few weeks after release. I expect the bonus scene to be 30-60 seconds, and will involve some Federation marines and a post-Hiveship Samus.

Moving onto something other than the screenplay, the Samus short is still in development Hell. It's been about a week since I last heard from the VA for her. I sent a reminder email yesterday, but have yet to hear a response. I'm not going to lie, she's absolutely great to work with and she is definitely my Samus, but these long delays in communication are starting to get tiresome, and I fear how long Hiveship is going to be in development Hell, when it gets time to dub it.

Speaking of that short, it serves its purpose of demonstrating her speaking voice as Samus, her range in emoting, and (of course) her sexy squeals and pants, but something it notably lacks is demonstrating her mouth-full sounds. I think it'd be in our best interest to make something quickly demonstrating them, and I decided that such footage could be put to good use in making a short teaser for Hiveship. I have pitched this idea to Samus' VA, but that is in the email I haven't heard a response to yet.

I have also put together a prototype design for Hiveship's title text, at which point I need to remind everyone (including myself) that Hiveship is actually not the project's full name. The full name is actually Dark Fantasies: The Hiveship. The title text reflects that, and will be revealed with the teaser, which I hope to make in the coming weeks, though that is all dependent on how much longer the short is going to stay frozen in development.

To wrap things up for this update, I have a super rough projection for how long the final film will be. Note that this number is prone to fluctuate, and can be several minutes off in either direction, but I am expecting Hiveship's runtime, from beginning to end (and discounting the bonus ending) to fall within the 8-to-10-minute range. And I want to remind everyone that Hiveship is entirely a single-scene film, so that's 8-to-10 minutes of continuous tentacle loving.

In summary:

  • Hiveship screenplay currently has 91 shots written
  • I predict the final screenplay to have about 200 shots total
  • Bonus ending is predicted to be 30-60 seconds of additional content
    • Bonus ending will be released for free a few weeks after it's $50-reward debut
  • I predict the final runtime of Hiveship to be 8-to-10 minutes in length
  • The Samus short is still in development Hell, as Samus' VA hasn't gotten in touch with me for nearly a week now
  • I am hoping to make a Hiveship teaser Soon(TM), realistically in a few weeks, maybe another month out.

And now for the reason most of you are probably actually reading this post: you want a sneak-peek at the script!

Well, here you go! Click here to read the screenplay draft segment. It covers the first 29 shots of the film, and (inconveniently for you) stops right when the fun begins.

If you're interested in reading the full screenplay draft, in its current form, then you can click here to read the $10 reward WIP post.

Until next week, everyone! Next update will be posted on or before May 1st, and hopefully I will have the screenplay done and the Samus short released by then.




Can't wait to see it! :D


a release date idea ?


If I were to push hard - and I mean 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, without any breaks - then I could probably get the screenplay finished in 2 days, the animating done in ~2 weeks, and the post done in 3 days, not counting any delays in waiting for the voice recording. That'd be about 3 weeks. However, I have no intentions to push that hard. So, tentatively, 6-7 weeks? Please do not take that projection to heart. You need to remember I am one person doing EVERYTHING - writing, scenebuilding, posing, lighting, animating, directing, choreographing, rendering, sound design, audio engineering, post-processing, exporting, and uploading. The ONLY thing I outsource is the voice. I don't have the luxury of outsourcing any other components of the process. Similarly, because this is my livelihood, I can't just shutter up and work in absolute silence for a few weeks - I need to have at least a semi-regular stream of content, or otherwise people will lose faith or interest and abandon the Patreon.