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Hey everyone.

So, you might have noticed that I didn't post a Progress Report on Thursday, November 12.

Yeah. This post was meant to be made then. To say that it's been a hectic week would be one hell of an understatement. The week started out busy, but then my PC died on Wednesday, delaying the modeling stream to Thursday, and everything just went downhill from there.

I honestly can't remember everything I worked on. There's been a convergence of other, longer-term projects all coming to a head and requiring my attention, on top of the Rachaos preproduction that is scheduled to be taking place.

The Blue Star announcement post is the most obvious example of that, but there was a lot of work that went on behind the scenes for that. Most notably, I actually rebuilt Liara's Explorer outfit onto the DazV5 Curvy base for that announcement. The outfit has notoriously give me immense stress in the past, and I've been extremely unhappy with every previous attempt to fit it.

So this time around, I sat down, took my time, and did it right. The outfit took about 2 days to fit. It still fought me tooth and nail, but I think I tamed it to a point I am satisfied with the results. I also spent some time putting together the skeleton for the upcoming Blue Star Bible, mostly focusing on collecting and organizing the timeline as to how everything fits together and writing out the one-sentence summaries of each episode, to get a brief glimpse of what areas need more work.

Then there's the matter of the Marie/Helena on-stream project quickly coming to a close. This past Saturday (November 14) saw us complete the animation in SFM, meaning all that is left is editing it in Resolve and then releasing it. This causes complications on two fronts:

Firstly, Marie/Helena is the first official project in the DOAFACU, which means that the DOAFACU splash screen (and thus, poster), needs to be finished and production-ready within 2 weeks' time. So I made some progress on the poster, including putting together an entirely new lingerie outfit for it, and slowly faceposing everyone. There's 16 characters in the scene, and Source Filmmaker averages a whopping 1.5 frames per second when editing the scene. It's a painful process.

And secondly, Marie/Helena wrapping up means that a new stream project needs to be figured out. I've been putting some thought and high-level work into pursuing the DVa project that we started on stream, working title of "Gamebang", before we realized that the scope of the project makes it better suited to be a dedicated stream project (like Marie/Helena) rather than a side-project we were exploring. I'm not certain we will pursue Gamebang, but I suspect that once I finally get everything together for posting that to Twitter (another thing I've been working on this past week), and I note that 2021 will not have a Rabbit.Hole episode due to my game-focused plans (and Overbreed), people will likely want to see us pursue Gamebang to make up for the lack of Rabbit.Hole.

And then finally, there's Rachaos itself. The project that is supposed to be taking all of my time by itself. Wolves and I have been tinkering and revising the story, trying to resolve a few kinks in the screenplay that have been nagging me since inception. We've made some major headway, in changing the context of the story from Rachel being a bounty-hunter to Rachel being a sort of "holy warrior" for the Holy Vigoor Empire from which she harkens. The story begins with Rachel's usual handler being replaced by a mysterious woman, who asserts that Rachel is "uniquely qualified" to deal with the Psychomorph known simply as Chaos.

The mysterious woman is, if the poster image didn't already give it away, Nyotengu - who is, canonically, herself a demon. Nyotengu has a small-but-significant role in Rachaos, and while she doesn't get any explicit action, her getting some is certainly set up. And more importantly, with Rachaos being the second entry in the DOAFACU, it brings her into the fold as well. Much like how Marie/Helena brings both Marie and Helena into the DOAFACU, despite Marie being the only one getting action while Helena orchestrates, Rachaos brings both Rachel and Nyotengu into the DOAFACU, despite Rachel being the only one getting a ruthless dicking after Nyotengu puts everything into motion.

I feel like there's some other things that I've worked on this week, but I honestly can't recall. I'm still recovering from a Tremors marathon, wherein I ended up staying up a total of 44 hours and watching all 7 Tremors movies with a friend. It was absolutely fantastic, but whenever I do all-nighters like that, it takes me a few days to fully recover.

A tl;dr recap of things I did this past week would be as such:

  • - Fitted new Liara Explorer outfit
  • - Fitted new DOAFantasy lingerie outfit
  • - Fitted new DOAFantasy Nyotengu outfit
  • - Built and faceposed Nyotengu
  • - Progressed the DOAFACU poster
  • - Built the Blue Star 2020 poster
  • - Began working on the Blue Star bible
  • - Revised the Rachaos story
  • - Began putting together Gamebang high-level material

Yeah, I guess I got a fair bit of stuff done this past week. And this is all just productivity-related stuff. Doesn't go into other things like my PC dying and taking 6.5 hours to resuscitate (it's functional now, don't worry - I wouldn't call it "fine", but certainly "functional"! Hopefully it will last until the new PC is built...), or the Tremors marathon fucking me up for a few days.

That's all for now. Again, sorry for being so late in posting this.

Until next Thursday, everyone!



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