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Runtime: 12:18

720p Public Release Date: Monday, May 11, 2020.

2160p Patreon-Exclusive Release Date: Monday, May 11, 2020. 




Written by LordAardvark & DancesWithWolves

Voiced by

   SilkyMilk - D.Va, Receptionist

   Steve Hamm - Bitzhung

   Ivan E. Recshun - Luber Driver

   Leo Stone - Blowjob Receiver

Sound Design by Tonedeaf Lewdness

Korean Translation by PearlyVixen

Rabbit.Hole Series Logo by Witchking00

Intro Music: Inspiring Victory by Cymatix

Directing, animating, lip-syncing, lighting, scenebuilding, modeling & texturing, and editing - LordAardvark

D.Va's descent into lootbox-driven debauchery will continue in Episode 4. Be sure to check my Twitter pinned posts around the new year for news on when that will be!


This isn't something I do often, but I believe in transparency and communication, and I hope you all recognize by now that I don't make videos to try and make mad cash (god knows this would be an awful business model for that):

I want to express my gratitude to the 230 people who pledged for the $10 early-access of this video in the 5 days since its release. This was the most expensive video for me to produce yet (sans Blue Star Episode 3), clocking in at just under $1600 in production costs. But those 230 new pledges by themselves fully covered the production cost, and almost completely covered the rendering machine I will be getting in the next few months (well, excluding taxes anyways).

With every video I release, I only ever wish to break even. That's literally all I care about: covering the fair compensation I pay all of the wonderful people who contribute to these videos, and being able to pay my fiscal obligations (rent, bills, and food). It's because of you wonderful 230 people (to say nothing of the 600-some-odd of you who constantly support me month-to-month - I love you all!) that I can take such large gambles with both my time and my finances in making these ambitious videos.

It's a tired call, I'm sure, but it's one that never rings any less true no matter how much I say it: these videos literally are only possible because of all of you. I hope you all truly appreciate just what that means to me.

And hey, if any of those 230 people are reading this right now: I hope you stick around. You all got me a long ways closer to being able to hire an animator to help me make these videos faster. And I think we can all agree that'd be a good thing.


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I'm one of those 230 people. Glad to be here =)


Love the series!!