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Hello everyone!

So I missed the Thursday mark by about 90 minutes, but we'll call it close enough. I've certainly missed it by a farther margin.

My projections made last week ended up being off a few days, for reasons perfectly exemplified in the WIP video-clip that I've posted for this progress report. Namely, the fact that I completely overlooked the fact that there are 3 or 4 unique loops that I didn't account for in the main sequence of loops, because they don't have dedicated shots to themselves. Like this one, they're only sub-loops (motor-boating) embedded within primary loops (ass jiggling).

So building all of them have put me back a week or two. I then ended up taking today off as a mental health day, to recuperate from a combination of a fairly long period of fairly-low-but-unrelentingly-constant stress that's been wearing me down, and a slipping sleep schedule resulting in less than 6 hours of sleep for the past few days.

But I do have about 150 seconds (2.5 minutes) of footage timed and transitioned out, with the first three main sequences (blowjob, ass jiggling, hotdogging) done. In addition to these overlooked sub-loops, there is actually a main sequence I totally overlooked but also completed, which is the pussy-teasing.

So in a nutshell, I've gotten four main sequences done, with four more to go (ass-jiggle thrusting, pounding, "rabbit sex", and facesitting). If the timing stays consistent between all of the sequences, that'd have the sex animations end up at about 5 minutes in length, which I think is a fair assessment. Give or take a minute, and I'd expect the sex animations to total somewhere in the range between 4 and 6 minutes.

With all of this in mind, I am hoping to have all of the sex animations done and ready for shipping by Monday evening. Slipping on the schedule a bit, but hey - this is exactly why I adjusted my schedule for 2020. The 2019 schedule allotted 4 weeks per project, and they ended up taking 6 weeks due to unforeseen things like this occurring. So the 2020 schedule allots 8 weeks per project, but the projects are still written as if they have those allotted 4 weeks. Which means that when these 2020 projects invariably slip and end up taking 6 weeks, rather than be 2 weeks over budget (and as such completely eliminating the time I scheduled for working on Hiveship, with the remaining 2 weeks required for preproduction for the next video), it will be 2 weeks under budget.

That's the goal, anyways.

Speaking of schedules, years, and Hiveship, I've actually been thinking on something for 2021. Not going to say anything more on it now till I've more concrete thoughts, but expect a conversation about it in the coming months. And expect to give your thoughts, too. Because whatever the decision ends up being, I won't be making it alone - I will need all of your input.

That being said, that's all for now!

See you all again next Thursday!


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Thanks for the update and hope you get some rest this weekend.


Lol i thought those were her tits