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Hello everyone!

Firstly, I apologize for not posting a Misc Bin on Friday. It's been and will continue to be a hectic week for me. I had no content to post, but I didn't actually realize I forgot to post about it until Sunday evening - and at that point, I decided to just wait until Tuesday. And so here we are.

And what a Misc Bin do I have for you all today!

You all may or may not recall that some weeks ago I posted a very cluttered map (with a Pepe Silvia meme) for a project titled Overbreed, with an equally cluttered explanation to go alongside it.

The project has never left my workshop table (though it's been sitting in the back), and I have been slowly tinkering with it on two fronts: adjusting the story itself, and also adjusting the way to pitch it. While the narrative map I posted previously was a good way for me to personally organize my thoughts, I realize it wasn't exactly welcoming to outsiders, nor easy to read.

So I gathered together my thoughts and reorganized them, and the put arguably too much energy into building this new infographic pitch. Hopefully it's much more streamlined and easy to read.

I'll let the infographic speak for itself, and just say this: I am all but decided that I want the first episode to be done as an on-stream video, done after the Harley video is finished. Right now, I am eyeballing March as being when it would enter production, but of course that is variable on how much longer the Harley video will take.

I currently have two voices hard-locked, for D.Va (obviously, seeing as Silky will have voiced her for three episodes of Rabbit.Hole by this time), and for Mercy (who is the primary character of this seven-episode story). I have 5 more voices floating but unverified, for a total of 7 / 14. Of course, as production draws nearer, casting will be done and voices locked down formally.

Here is a full-size upload of the infographic, for those who want to investigate it thoroughly: Click here to view.

To avoid the obvious and expected question of "whatever happened to 'I hate Overwatch'?", I'll be blunt and answer it now: I still do, but at the same time I think futa Overwatch is beautiful and I want more of it done in a way that I personally enjoy. And as the saying goes, I've decided the best way to have that happen is to do it myself. And so here we are.

If anyone has any other questions, please feel free to DM me or ask them in the comments - chances are, if you're wondering it, other people are as well.




What the... thats what i call a fucksheet. ^^


I hate futanari and all kind of that stuff but I respect your decisions, Lord A. Busty and curvy chicks will always be my thing. =P


Needs Emily getting double teamed by Tracer and Widowmaker. https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Emily


Can we get a D.Va and Pharah lesbian scene? That'd be super hot. Thanks for the great work.

Mr Funkay

wow awesome idea cant wait