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Hello again, everyone!

As promised, here is the same sequence as was shown last week, but now with narrative animation. Compare last week's WIP to this week's WIP, to see the difference that narrative animation can make!

It's not necessarily 100% final, but I would consider it about 98%. A few things might get tweaked right before render.

Speaking of render, I am actually a full day ahead of the schedule I had put out for myself! I've finished all of the narrative animation tonight, which means all that is left is the sex-scene detail animations!

Assuming things follow my schedule for this bit, this means that theoretically I could be ready to render by the 16th! Following my plan of 3 days for rendering and editing, then it could be ready for a release on the 19th!

I won't rush it, but if everything is done and ready, then I might as well release it then, rather than sit on another day for the scheduled 20th release.

No promises that the 20th release will be made at all, but things are looking up!

I don't really have much else to report. I've just been keeping my nose close to the grindstone, and will continue to do so for the next week. Wish me the best of luck - and with any luck, there won't be a progress report next Thursday the 18th!

If complications come up and it looks like the 20th release won't be made, though, then I will make a post on the 18th reporting as much. Hopefully that post won't be made!

See you next week, everyone!


RHE2 Wip02

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