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I totally spaced that yesterday was Thursday. I apologize for that!


The Leliana short is quickly approaching the stage of post-processing. I've been spending the past week installing Milly's wonderful dub, and doing all of the detail animations for Leliana and the Prisoner. (So much finger animation... So... Much... Finger... Animation...)

As of right now, only three things are left to do: Finalize the Prisoner's hand & finger animation; install Ivan's audio for the Prisoner (since his mouth is never visible, that will be very quite easy); and do a choreography & lighting pass (believe it or not, the above poster isn't with tuned lighting; that's just the default lighting I built for the scene).

I expect Leliana to have the finalized 1080p render be underway by Monday evening.

With any luck, the Leliana short will see its 1080p Patreon-exclusive release by next Friday. That isn't a promise, just a hope.


In a move that completely surprised me, Innie sat down and cracked skulls, knocking out an entire redo of all of her non-sex audio for the Elizabeth video. A few days earlier, she made her public post describing her health issues, and we've been privately talking all the while. She's getting better, but is still on the road - so it took us both by total surprise when a torrent of energy and motivation wrapped around her.

She's currently fighting off some nasty phlegm-dredging coughing (hoping it's just allergies and not something more serious, but she has already had a blood-clot in her lungs...). She's hoping it passes soon, because she's eager to get the 5-minute dub sequence for the video done.

So that's where things are, and where they're going.

As always, I'll keep you up to date. And try my damnedest to keep you up to date on the Thursdays that are scheduled.




thanks for the info and wish all it is not a good recovery and all the rest is healthy I know easier said than done, P