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Hey all!

So it's been a pretty long time since I've posted anything here, and a good while since I've really made forward progress on Fallen Throne.

Well, I have a lot of information to put down for the universe, but my issue has always been that my brain organizes the information in a bit of a web, a tangle of chronology and concepts related to one another.

The other evening, I had an idea for a way to unwrap that clusterfuck that is my mind's comprehension of the story, in a way that I think is both a very intuitive and approachable way to present the information.

I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, The History-Map:

This is a simple map, where the left-most "trunk" represents chronology, with the top being the oldest ideas, and the bottom being the newest ideas; and the "branches" are just ideas that are related both to each other, and to the chronological event from which they sprout from.

So, for example, for the Schism, all four different sub-types of Elves are related; and then, for example, the Blood Elves are further related by the Demians.

The branches are chronologically independent. You can think of it is "all of the branches are happening at the same time" as the event they branch off of.

Additionally, in the History-Map, each of these nodes is a portal into more information. So, for example, if you want to learn all about Orc culture, you simply click on "Orcs" at the top to read more.

If you are curious to explore the History-Map, then please click here to be taken to the work-in-progress History-Map. Please note that there are two more maps I intend to provide before this is finished: the Vael'Aser map, which is specific to Dark Elf "contemporary" history and politics; and the Storyline map, which will have spoilers for the eventual story I plan to tell with Fallen Throne. Don't worry, though, the spoilers will be tagged.

Please also note that the History-Map is still work in progress. As of publishing this post, only the Timeless Age, Orcs, and Light Elves nodes are defined. I will be working to add one more node every evening for the next few weeks. So if you're interested in the Fallen Throne history, then feel free to check the history-map every 24 hours and see what all I've added since you last checked.



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