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Hey all!

Been a few days since I've posted here, but I want you all to know that I've been chewing away pretty hard this past week or so. Most all of my time's been split between finishing up Gaige's model (how the hell she ended up taking nearly 5 days to complete, I don't know...) and finishing up Phazon Addendum A.

I'm shooting for a Patreon early-access release this upcoming Friday (October 13, 2017). Though, it may end up being as early as Wednesday, seeing as the work I got done is what I had scheduled to have done by Wednesday evening. Which is to say, I'm two days ahead of schedule now (a nice change of pace from how I usually operate...)

As you can tell from these pictures, there's still a few things I need to do: Namely, fix Samus' outfit clipping like a crazy motherfucker, and fixing her hair from violently murdering her.

But other than that, the project is fully animated, lip-synced, detailed, voiced, and camera-choreographed. If everything keeps going as well as it has been, it is possible I will put out the final 1080p render overnight, and so begin the post-process editing of color-correcting, mixing, and designing the soundscape, tomorrow.

I will keep you all posted as things progress.



Sunghei Leung

The hair lol, btw, is there actual physics for hair components in any of these software/engines? Just so they can slide down the body instead of poking through someone XD


Some engines, such as Unity, treat jigglebones (which I use for hair) as a proper physics objects. In Unity's case, you actually create dummy physics objects, such as cylinders for hair, constrain the cylinders to the root (such as the head) with attachments like springs or balljoints, and then weld the hair bones to the cylinders so that they move with it. The Source engine does not treat jigglebones like physics objects, however. Indeed, the Source Filmmaker does not even *HAVE* a physics engine - instead, it treats jigglebones as procedural animations. As such, they have no collision data.