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Hey guys!

So I'm putting some thought into how I can better optimize the Patron experience for everyone. And part of that involves me collecting some data on which people consider more important: early access to projects, or stunning 1080p image quality.

Please vote and let me know your honest opinions! Similarly, if you've got anything on your mind, please don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


Have your say: Early Access, or 1080p?

Voice your opinion on the poll: Early Access, or 1080p?



1080 for me


I know you have a LOT on your plate, but I was wondering about the desktop dancer. I wanted a Miranda one of it if possible. I asked a long time ago, I have absolutely no skills in animation. I am willing to pay for your time on it if you wish sir. please let me know.


1080 for me too


I personally agree. I don't even *consider* the 720p download button, if there's a 1080p download. My bandwidth can choke on it - I want to see every bloody pore on the skin of the people involved! But I'm also a cheap motherfucker who has notoriously long patience, and so early access never appeals to me because I can just wait. Hell, I wait 6-12 months for hot AAA games like Fallout 4 to drop down to a 50% off sale. Patience is a resource I have a near-infinite supply of.


As I've told people before, the reason I don't make more Desktop Dancers is I've learned the hard way that animating dancing and I just don't go together. I've tried a half-dozen or so times, but every single attempt just ends in a hilarious cringe-inducing failure.

FooldiverDX (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-30 02:47:54 スク水越しに吸うの新鮮で素敵です! 最後の見えないのも想像が膨らんで良いですね
2017-08-04 02:41:11 Early Access. Even if its 144p, knowing that I have Blue Star(or another video) on my screen is more important than it being in highest quality.

Early Access. Even if its 144p, knowing that I have Blue Star(or another video) on my screen is more important than it being in highest quality.

Vincent Valen

I'm kinda in the middle here. I wouldn't mind having a 720p version released while the 1080p version renders. Depending on the length of the project, the 1080 could take longer to render.

Vincent Valen

As for any lingering questions...I'd have like to have that Witcher animation actually have a finish, rather than suddenly cut to your credits. Makes me feel like something got left out


Yeah, that's a consequence of some slight short-sightedness. Nothing was left out, that is exactly how the script is written ( <a href="https://pastebin.com/2Yj8LTDK" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/2Yj8LTDK</a> ), BUT I didn't leave enough room at the end for a cleaner fade out, and so it's sort of rushed.


I do like quality, but I definitely prefer early access. Sadly, I might not notice the difference in resolution, anyway. Maybe exclusive images, or exclusive quick loops, might be better?


I recently became a subscriber for $ 5, I thought I would have at least short videos but I enter and I only see small animations (gifts). Could not you consider some better reward for our money? Your animations are the best ... however your rates are Very high ... maybe if you lower the price have more followers ... best regards


I've been here for awhile, i have to say that you are really skilled in what you do, and as i work for my own, i know that quality products and services takes effort and time, i rather wait to see the final product polished than an early access, you are great in what you do, keep up !

Supreme Overlord Llama

1080p all the way. Early access is nice but better quality is nicer. Plus I have my computer hooked up to a big ass TV so I actually need 1080p.


1080p for delayed gratification, early access for quick gratification... children gtfo now!

Dark Dreams

Quality over time, definitely. Early access is nice, but quality all the way.


Thanks for the feedback everyone! Reason I brought it up is I've been debating adding a lower-quality early access to replace the Free Parking $10, but I was afraid that a lot of people would just jump from the $15 down to the $10, not giving a fuck about the 1080p and just wanting early access - and in doing so, causing me to potentially lose hundreds in funding from the wave of downgrades, which is antithetical to my goals of raising funds for hiring co-animators. From the sounds of it, both in your comments and in the poll, it seems that most of the people who subscribe to the $15 tier prefer the 1080p over the early access, and so hopefully not too many would jump ship. I will put more thought into it, but right now I am leaning toward a 480p early access reward for the $10 reward. The reason for 480p is that 720p is a fairly standard quality still and is quite sharp besides - I know plenty of people who are perfectly fine with 720p and actually prefer it over 1080p for the sake of their bandwidth. But 480p is pretty widely considered "basic bitch" these days, and not many people are content with 480p. At the same time, 480p is still clear enough to get a good idea of what you're looking at, even if everything is pixelly and blotchy. So it's enough to whet appetites and maybe even persuade people to drop the extra 5 bucks to get that crisp, clean 1080p. I will put some thought into it still, but I do think I will end up doing that. I am going to make this response a separate post, too. So feel free to drop your thoughts on the idea either as a response to this comment, or as a response to that post.