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Hello again everyone!

So, it's been a long, long while since I've posted anything in this $2 tier. And it's been even longer since I posted anything about Hiveship.

In fact, it's probably been so long since I last posted anything about Hiveship, that there are a good number of Patrons who don't even know what the hell it is.

To summarize it, just imagine my latest Sarah / Samus Aran model, voiced by the ever-lovable InsideIncognita, getting fucked silly by lots and lots of tentacles, and loving every second of it. Now, with that idea firmly in mind, imagine expanding it into a full short film. And that's, in a nutshell, Hiveship.

For the more veteran of my Patrons, then you might remember some earlier images showing off some design ideas for the Hiveship scenebuilds. I have since revisited and touched up the design ethos behind the ship. This is actually the same room as shown in those earlier previews, but with the macguffin of the film - the Chaos Drive, which allows the Hiveship to move between dimensions - front and center.

But, Aardvark, why are you bringing this up now? Hiveship was announced, like, 2 years ago, and you haven't started it yet!

Because, curious Patron, while any palpable efforts haven't been made on Hiveship in these 2 years, it has never left my mind, and I have been constantly brainstorming and mentally writing it out.

And, more importantly, Blue Star Episode 3's hugely-unexpected development time has reinvigorated my interest in an active pursuit. 

Hiveship was planned to be my very first short-film-length project. It was projected to be 15-to-20 minutes in length. Blue Star episodes were originally planned to be 5 minutes in length (a goal I've never reached, mind you), with Episode 3 planned to be 8 minutes in length when I began work in February.

Well, if you've been keeping up on my progress on Episode 3, it is now 18 minutes in length, and will be surpassing 20 minutes by the time it's done.

One of my biggest fears for Hiveship was the runtime, and notably anxiety that I wouldn't be able to commit myself to making a project that long. Well, Episode 3's 18-minute runtime and 6-month develop time has demonstrated that I can and will be able to make the feature-length film out of Hiveship that I planned. (And as a side-note, it also suggests that my 20-minute estimation for Hiveship is probably far, FAR shorter than what the final runtime would be - imagine a full 60-minute SFM film about Samus getting tentafucked!)

When Blue Star first launched, I made a note that when I tackle Hiveship, I am going full ham on it, with all stops pulled. That means that, among other things, Hiveship will have, far and away, both the largest character-cast and the largest voice-cast of any project done to date, and possibly of any project I will ever do. It will also have a lot of original characters, and a handful of reappropriated characters (which is to say, characters from other IPs, such as Resident Evil or Ninja Gaiden, but repurposed into original characters independent of their source materials).

Nothing has changed in that capacity.

But what's this got to do with this Prologue Draft you mention in the title?

Why, that's simple: I have written out the opening sequence of Hiveship, which serves to quickly set up the titular ship, the premise of the film, and the obscenely-pornographic tentacle-filled tone of the film.

And I have decided, unambiguously, that one of the projects I am going to pursue after I finally finish Episode 3, is to make this opening sequence, and release it as a prologue, ahead of the full film.

The film itself will be tackled after Episode 5, the conclusion of Season 1, is released.

I won't put a date to it, because we all know I'm fucking horrible with dates (that "April 2017" in the banner of this Patreon was when Episode 3 was supposed to be released... Yeaaah....). But just rest assured that it's coming, and it's coming relatively soon.

With all of that being said, the draft is attached to this post, along with a text-less version of the Hiveship 2017 poster, in the event anyone wants to use it for a desktop wallpaper or something. The RTF is the recommended way to read the draft, but if your device can't open it, then the text file is a viable back-up.




IT'S COMING!!!!!!!!


Also I wouldn't mind a 60 minute video of Samus having fun XD I would appreciate every second of effort you put into it.


I'd love that, but I honestly don't know how I'd bring it out that long without dragging it unnecessarily. I'm being super conscious of making the writing lean as it is, to avoid the pitfalls of sloggish scenes that resulted in my cutting out 90 seconds of completed voiced-and-animation scenes from BSE3. Of course, seeing how long BSE3 is after such a cut, with a 12-minute sex scene between simply two characters... I suspect I'd be able to get a fair bit out of the tentacles, if I sat down and thought on it. Go full ham on the groping foreplay I have in mind. And I appreciate your appreciation. Means a lot to me.


If you want to run a script/plot past me I wouldn't mind taking a look at it.


Hope you'll consider a directors cut release of BSE3 with that 90 seconds. :)


I don't *think* I have the footage anymore. But I do have the audio from it, still. If I remember, and can get permission from the voice actors to share it, then I might put together a separate file showing the original and uncut dialogue of the affected scenes.


Can't wait