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Whose that in the bed! Mein Gott! It's NOT Team Fortress 2's Heavy!

Finally got Ciri into Source, and ready for action in the Witcher short. Next up, I need to hack the bed so that the blanket is poseable, so I can put Ciri under it. That's the plan for tomorrow.

I've gotten all the audio for the short synced and in place. I need to lip-sync Triss and lip-sync both of them during the sex scene, which is what Thursday and Friday's side-project time will be allocated to.

Then Saturday and Sunday are dedicated to detail-animating, and then Monday and Tuesday to editing.

IF EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN, the micro should be ready to be released by next Wednesday, August 2. It will be in Early Access for 2 days, where I will publicly announce the "Early Access" scheme where projects will be in Early Access for 5 days, excepting this short and the BAS Liz short (when it's finally done). Meaning it will, universe willing, go public by Friday, August 4.

And, of course, it will be in 1080p.

God, it will be nice to finally release a voiced piece again...



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