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Hey all!

So, after far more deliberation than I care to admit over the past few days, I finally decided on two things: Firstly, that I am going to take a few days to put together a little short, to satisfy my dissatisfaction with how long Blue Star is taking; and secondly, what that short will be.

As you can probably guess, the short involves Scifi Assassin Christie in a space-ship setting. You can get a better look of the set on my Twitter .

With this animation made, I actually have the bulk of the work for the animation done. Without giving up too many details, this short will be, in a lot of ways, a spiritual successor to the War Is Our Imperative  short I made a long time ago, immediately before I started focusing on voiced projects. Fans of the 2004 Battlestar Galactica will probably see the inspiration.


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