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Password: War




You should always get tissues when you're reacting to something, Elijah.

Hyrule Postman

I thought i would be okay watching this for the fourth time... i still teared up at the end.


Lmfao you got really mad about the door thing. 😂 You raise a good point though, I never thought about it before. It was unnecessary, especially since from the outside, she could literally have just unlatched it.

Joey Quixote

"I refuse to let that cheese tell me who's boss!" Every lactose intolerant person I've ever known...

Sam Marsh

To be clear, Kipo’s parents were working on developing a vaccine, which is not the same as a cure. A cure is meant to heal an illness, while the purpose of a vaccine is to strengthen the immune system in order to prevent someone from getting the illness in the first place. It is merely a protective measure, so it would not reverse the effects of Emilia’s “cure”


I find it funny that 2 different shows both had a villain named Amelia/Emilia. Different spellings, but same pronunciation. Also so many side characters I like get "cured" in this. It's not quite the same as a death, but close enough :c


Oh shoot, I've caught up? Oh no XD