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I'm always envious of artists who seem to know what they're doing right off the jump. Like, the first thing they sketch is more or less correct; stylistically and anatomically. Every once in a while I get in a flow state where I can do that, but it's quite rare.

Normally my sketches look like this. Absolute scribble nonsense with key landmarks drawn more clearly. In this case the landmarks I really needed to hit were their mouths, Mitsu's hands, and Kara's facial expression. The rest I'm kinda just putting lines down until they feel like they're in the right place. During the next pass, which might be my final pass, I'll make sure stuff like anatomy is working right.

Just for fun I found a good set of VHS sketches that I think show me in my 'flow state'. The truth is I just need to draw more.



Miy Eterp

Ha ha funny face of Kara🤣, also rule 34 stuff 😂


holy shit that first image is fucking incredible i will die and be dead when it's finished