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I had a fun ass day today. I went to Nakano Broadway and bought some cute figures, I’ll post those when i get home!

Afterwards I visited a camera shop in Koenji. My friend totally gave me the camera bug again and I couldn’t help but get a rangefinder!! The camera shop is called Kung Fu Camera. The owner is one of the coolest motherfuckers I’ve ever met. He runs a camera sho, but in his spare time he’s a fucking WARZONE photographer. He’s been going to Ukraine all year on and off doing photography

Anyway, I decided on a whim to go watch the new Shinkai Mokoto movie, Suzume No Tojimari. I actually told myself in Summer I’d really diligently practice my Japanese and go to Japan to see Suzume No Tojimari. It’s kinda crazy that I’m actually doing it!!!

Kabukicho is pretty wild. All the host bars are here so there’s hot femboys everywhere 😳 




Ah man. There's so many hosts wandering around there. Lots of pushy dudes as well trying to bring you into their bars (to scam you). Going solo can be a pain in the ass. They kept trying to get me to go in. I personally learned to say I was gay, and that seemed to work lol.


That last photo looks so dope!!!