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As you know, I love coming up with fake IP for NGDN. This is Galina! One of three main characters from 'Mech Warrior Venusia'.

She's the mentor of the main character, Venusia, and one of the few mech pilots who's seen actual combat. At one time, she was the savior of the solar system, protecting the people of Earth and Venus from alien invasion. The world is much different now however. With the threat of alien invaders largely quelled, nations are beginning to revert to their pre-crisis posture. A mech suit arms race looms on the horizon.

DARPA contracts Galina to help them train the next generation of pilots. Previously she had a completely customized flight suit in black and red, but she's required to wear a DARPA issued suit, save for her gloves and boots, which she refuses to abandon.

She is of course, Kara's favorite. I imagine the show is like Evangelion, with the politics and aesthetic flourish of the Metal Gear series. I really like the idea of the tech being a little dated aesthetically. They'd still use binders and laminated paper for their mission checklists and operations manuals. The headsets are still wired. They still record things on videotape and use CRT monitors.




she's perfect


Oh she’s badass! Will we see her mech too?!


da cape or no cape fo today looks awesome!


That is actually a great way to make an in fiction fiction. hyped for the atmosphere of the game


That's my kinda show.