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Aged up painting of Nemona ;3 i had some fun with her outfit design tweaks, i went for casual/cool summer look.I tried to fit some pokemons from the game in the piece too, XD I referenced pawmi after the detective pikachu movie XD

(This piece is part of term 185 reward sign up from December 1 - 21st)◄Term185 rewards will be send out 5th-6 th of  January comes with

  • Tier 1: sfw variant JPG
  • Tier 2-5( 3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)+PSD+nsfw set)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Could I get this one pls Sakimi Sama!

Matt L

gosh you drew her features and face so perfectly ❤️😍


Nemona used Harden. It's super effective.


This is he picture that made me get Tier 4 and I won´t regret it. I was following you for about 2 years on social media, resisting the urge to pay for your art. Time passed by and more and more pictures are getting my attention … 2B, KDA, Elsa, Lucy (almost got me) then when I saw Nemona, I lost it. Your drawing skills are beyond incredible and I love your fine semi-realistic art. They are so detailed and enjoyable to watch. You put so much effort into your work I want to support you 😊. Have a nice day.


Every time you do a piece on a Pokemon girl, it turns out gorgeous. Sonia, Melony, Hex Maniac (to name a few) and now this.


I subscribed just for the Nemona, can't wait to get her in January. Thanks Sakimichan


Hoping we get Professor Sada next!


Love her piercings! <3


Signed up for this. Am I out of luck since it’s past the deadline or is there another way to get it?


Hello,January 5&6 is on what time zone?EST or JST?I join membership on December 22(JST),could I get this?


Been waiting for this! So good!