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Will post Whats New after weekend (there is a whats new section in the readme file), this version lets you switch to Desktop Mode and VR from withing the game, I can expect some issues so please let me know and I will fix ASAP.

Xbox controller for Oculus is broken, I will fix ASAP too.

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Sweet! can't wait to see what you've changed. :D


u da man, thanks!


Hi, tried it with riftcat. SteamVR is running and stream the default room to phone. Couldnt determine VR Device type. Defaulting to Non VR. Could i help you with some log files?


Hi, since in the code Im specifically looking for an Oculus or a Vive model, then riftcat was not recognized as a valid headset. On this version I put some metrics to get data in the different devices players use so I can add them to that check and probably be supported on the next release. I see a lot of users try Riftcat so I want to add support to it.


I have a pretty insane computer and its pretty jumpy on my vive. The other builds were smooth. Something changed.


Hey, would you know exactly when are you observing fps drops? Is it when looking at the mirror? Is it with one specific character? Thanks for your help testing.


Just tested the new version and noticed a few things. All female models have some strange leg jitter when they dance. Sometimes when resetting a female model they will stand on the balls of their feet when they start the dance routine. The girl menu doesn't update when you change model to reflect the settings for that model(i.e. if you remove clothes from a model and then change model the menu stays showing undressed when the new model is clothed.)If you pick up the mobile phone and try to place it on any surface but the one you picked it up from it will fall through.


I really appreciate the readme with the controls listed, thanks! one thing I can't seem to figure out though is how to turn around, seems i can only strafe left and right (oculus touch). Is there maybe a toggle between strafing and turning?


Another review :D <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpzYGyGnQ2M&amp;t=25s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpzYGyGnQ2M&amp;t=25s</a>


And it is very helpful to look at those error logs, I will be able to fix those issues


You've done some really great work so far. My only critique is the skin shader. Perhaps an improvement hopefully with subsurface scattering and occlusion. The normal maps seem to be a bit intense and makes the skin look textured like sandpaper. Keep up the great work!


I have not oculus touch. cant move. great.


Thanks for this feedback, Im aware of those issues and will eventually fix every single one, thanks for letting me know anything you can observe


Thanks man, the skin shader its a big challenge by itself, I dont know much about shaders programming but I keep researching or trying to find a 3rd party that can do good job with shaders. Once I have that resolved I will let you know


Hey, I have that happening sometimes if I start the game without having the controllers on, if thats not the case then try to press down on the sticks. Im still figuring out oculus issues.


Really nice work so far. The updates are really making the experience seem more real. Glad I can support your work, it's great to see how it is evolving and its pretty cool to get the regular updates every month or so.


Currently there is no turning, probably when I implement the teletransportation I want to make it like robot recall to let you chose where you face


Have you ever wondered about making a port in which you can play this game using the Playstation Vr On PC? It's already compatible with Windows. I own HTC and PSVR. I was Just curious to know, Thanks.


Hey, sorry about that. Are you running Steam VR before starting the game?


Yes i am and it wasn't working, got it to work by running it as admin


I think the girl is glitched for me. She is rather jagged at her joints, and I can see the individual parts of her body . Like they don't mesh together properly. It looks badly glitched.

Beetle Bag Studio

Great job Specialy for boobs interaction! But for VR movement you need to make at least teleporting system. That locomotion makes sick really fast.


Check your display settings on the program, they default to minimums and you need to turn them up. Once you do it gets alot smoother.


Hi! I just tried La Douche using Oculus Rift CV1 + touch controls. Being an invisible perv in a girls bathroom is an intriquing concept! Alas, I never truly got into the role. I didn't feel part of the world, but more like I was the disembodied camera in a 3D platformer, despite the perv hands. So I tried something else: I positioned myself outside the building, looking in through the window. This peeping tom approach felt a great deal more intense! You could try this, I think it could be a fun game in itself with relatively little work. The player should be visible, nighttime. He could also have various gadgets: Mindreader (her thoughts displayed as text), camera, binoculars, see-through-clothing googles and boobie expander gun. To give the game a purpose, the girl should be a spy and have a secret code tatooed somewere! Another suggestion: The body sliders, the posibility to change/reset the girl, or cancel her current action, all this has very little to do with the role I'm trying to get into. I feel the immersion is broken when I'm simultaniously designing and playing the game. I think the game would flow better if I designed the girl in a menu *before* the game begins.


Hello, thanks a lot for this interesting feedback. I know exactly what you are talking about and actually I have started working on the base for a game on a genre I like to call "Tactical Espionage Voyeurism Game" which will include all the features you mentioned and more espionage gadgets. However Im not working much on this project right now since it is targeted to be developed in the 3rd Year of my Patreon campaign, right after finishing La Douche and The Villain Simulator. As for La Douche, I have plans to add more fun features that will make the game more engaging, one of them is to make the girl aware of the player's presence and react to that.


The Mega link says "Incorrect decryption key"...also where is links to the other two rewards please Sir ?


Hello, thx for letting me know. The mega link is working for me, it is strange. The other downloads can be found here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/ZnelArts/posts?tag=downloads">https://www.patreon.com/ZnelArts/posts?tag=downloads</a>