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Hi. When is the next version of La Douche being released?


Hello. Im sorry for the delay in La Douche, many changes were made to improve the characters Ai, I wasnt expecting this change will have severe repercussions and I have been working addressing all bugs. I was hoping to release 1 month ago but I had to work on this. At this point I have a build that is almost ready and I almost release it but we found a few more issues. I expect this wont take more than a couple of days and then I can release the next beta. Again, Im sorry for this and thank you for your understanding.


Im sorry, this bug has prevented me to release. I almost got it fixed. <a href="https://youtu.be/sFEPcPVB3iM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/sFEPcPVB3iM</a>




What's new ?


There is a readme file in the folder, but I will post a Whats New shortly


Awesome can't wait for the new beta for Villian Simulator


I cant wait to release the milking feature, but Im working on the last thinks like make it drinkable and make the girl react when it is active


If I can make a suggestion ZnelArts, I just finished watching a video on TVS , I noticed there was a crosshair when the player was using the gun, though in the vr version that dosent exist, I wanna suggest there could be like a small laser to help one aim so they know what they are gonna hit.


Nice update. Any chance of an option to disable tracker pad motion on the Vive as its not really needed with room scale, and it keeps making me feel sick, when I trigger it by accident. Still its nice to have the option for people who don't have the space to move and don't like to Teleport and a good VR experience is one that can be tweeked for user preference when it comes to movement . A button to reset the girl config options to default would also be nice on each page of the options pad, while I am making requests :-)


Thats a good idea, in fact it can be one improvement to the gun. Thanks!


Thanks for giving me a very good idea, I think I will make it so you can toggle what the pad does from the options menu, between walk or turn! That will be good I think!


Like this game, an other alternative to Honey Select! Thanks for this awesome work, I will help for work with some feedbacks and donate too :)