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A quick Happy Thanksgiving (to those that celebrate it) before Family gets here.

As I mentioned before we'll be having Thanksgiving here down in the newly remodeled basement so we are going to be busy getting things ready today, so I probably won't be able to stream today, and as I said before me and my brother are going to be moving down to the basement soon after Thanksgiving is over. 

I don't know if we going to be moving down right after Thanksgiving cause the basement is still not 100% finished, (we're still waiting for the shower to be installed in the bathroom among other small things) but we're probably going to start moving some small items like our TV and games systems, I might move my computer down to one of the rooms that I want to make into an Office/Art Studio but we'll see once Thanksgiving is over. 

Once again Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all have a fun and safe time today.


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