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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun입니다

이번 그림은 원근법이 이상하게 그려지는 바람에 수정하느라 고생했네요 ㅠㅠ

원래 오늘 아침쯤에 그림을 올리고 바리에이션을 들을 완성해 밤쯤에 추가 업로드 할 예정이었는데

올리기 직적에 원근법이 이상하다는것을 깨닫고 이것을 수정하느라 업로가 늦어졌네요

처음에는 그냥 올리려고 했는데 이것이 한번 눈에 밟히고 나니 계속 신경쓰여서 수정하지 않을수가 없었습니다

지금도 계속 신경쓰여 조금씩 계속 수정하고 있는데 이것때문에 작업시간이 너무 늘어는것 같네요 ㅠㅠ

그래도 내일까지는 모두 완성 할 수 있을것 같습니다

그리고 내일은 리퀘스트 모집이 있을예정입니다

정확한 시간은 한국시간으로 13일 토요일 오후 11시 50분 입니다

많은 참여 바랍니다

벌써 금요일 저녁이네요 여러분들 좋은주말 보내세요 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

I had a hard time editing this picture because the perspective was drawn strangely.

Originally, I was planning to upload the picture around this morning, complete the variations, and upload more at night.

The upload was delayed because I realized that the perspective was wrong when I uploaded it and had to correct it.

At first, I was just going to upload it, but once this caught my eye, it kept bothering me, so I had no choice but to edit it.

I'm still paying attention and am continuing to edit it little by little, but it seems like the work time is increasing too much because of this.

Still, I think I can complete everything by tomorrow.

And there will be a request solicitation tomorrow.

The exact time is 11:50 PM on Saturday the 13th in Korean time.

We hope for your participation

It's already Friday evening. Have a nice weekend, everyone :)





I'm looking forward to its completion!


I think the finished version will probably be uploaded by this evening.


Sorry for the late reply I'm glad you like the picture. I think I can upload the finished product within an hour or two.