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I spent 10 days on learning Live2D guys and it is just something amazing! I just started to animate something for fun , like a face and a car and then I realized that something more than that can be animated… and you know what I mean by that.

It was interesting and I almost didn’t saw a daylight during this time. It feels like a fresh air for me, exciting and inspiring and I want to keep going and learn more.

This Kara animation is basically a first serious animation that was made in Live2D and it was just a pure pleasure. It reminds me of those good old days 8 years ago when I just started to animate in Adobe Flash. But it gives way more opportunities and options. Just what I needed.

Going to learn it more and animate more with it for sure. Just imagine what can kind of animations and projects can be done when I learn this animation software a bit deeper.

It is going to be amazing guys.

Timelapse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wmVPV-W35VI3mqZhVemyBy74m8MkV3dV/view?usp=share_link




Love this! So good to see you super inspired!


This looks really cool. Nice work!