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Working on this 2 arts rn. 

I just miss goat mom so there is going to be a art with her 👀

and also our beaut girl Megan here!

Right now I’m also preparing a sticker pack. Going to make one with some of my OC and another one with thicc girls in general!




Toriel is my fav especially when ur drawing her <3

Dark Kuno

*sees Goat Mom ass *uses all willpower to not lick monitor

Kent wilson

Someone's having a good treat of themselves of that goat mom.

pj wolf

Goddamn, Megan has a freaking redwood in her pants. Though I also approve of some fat ass groping

Fen Longpaw

I am *highly* biased in favor of the "inviting under the covers" pose. Especially if it's a beautiful woman showing off the magnificent meat you'll get to play with on taking up her offer.