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Here is lovely Koko request showing how beautiful she is !
Also my really really rare OC - Lancer. Some of you might remember this cute deer !

And a commission with a cute and lucky doctor and some alts for it

Now I want to draw something Halloween themed !

Timelapse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/11HQmLWavAtMklsNjSosJT3-ydA1nct5x/view?usp=share_link



Senryu (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-28 19:17:59 I’m saying this again because I enjoy this. I know Koko has a nice butt, but Gyat Dayum is the a great view of her! Glad to have Lancer on the forefront getting some love. He’s looking quite delicious. Love all these pieces Chelo! Amazing work as always!
2023-10-27 16:02:36 I’m saying this again because I enjoy this. I know Koko has a nice butt, but Gyat Dayum is that a great view of her! Glad to have Lancer on the forefront getting some love. He’s looking quite delicious. Love all these pieces Chelo! Amazing work as always!

I’m saying this again because I enjoy this. I know Koko has a nice butt, but Gyat Dayum is that a great view of her! Glad to have Lancer on the forefront getting some love. He’s looking quite delicious. Love all these pieces Chelo! Amazing work as always!

pj wolf

Some fantastic butts in this grouping