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As i said before, character that took second place in a poll is going to be drawn too!
And here it is, a little comic with vampire milf ; )

Also i am currently working on animation, you can find it at my discord channel!
I can't post it on patreon.

It is easy to get access, you just have to attache your discord account  to your patreon account, and you are going to join a group automatically  .

Instruction - https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role

Video instruction with timecodes - https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045309351--Getting-your-Discord-Role-Video-tutorial-

Discord link - https://discord.gg/kHg6d2e

If you have any problems, just dm me or Bunlord Ry, and your role is going to be fixed!




What a nice vampire donut

Leon K

He better act quick in those QTEs. Press "R1" to dodge first claw swing. Press "X" to pound. She has leg lock you, press "X" repeatedly to pound your way out of the leg lock. Press "R1" to dodge second claw swing. Pull "Left Analog" down and "Right Analog" up to do a drill switch position. Press "X" repeatedly to pound. She has grabbed you by the waist, tilt "Left Analog" left and right repeatedly to shake her off. Finish the job by pressing "L1", "L2", "R1", "R2", "D-Pad" down, and "X" all at the same time (believe me, this one will feel good for the hands). I'll leave this scene to your imagination people.


Thats cute 😊


What does one call that butthole configuration? It's not cloven. Maybe three-toed? Mercedes? The holey-trinity?