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Jake narrowly ducked under the flying glaive before jumping right as the floor collapsed under him. Kicking off the wall, Jake managed to launch himself away from the pit that had opened up beneath him right as a piston-like block of labyrinth shot down, nearly pushing Jake into the hole.

Landing on solid ground, Jake quickly knelt down and braced himself as he crossed his arms and summoned a stable barrier of arcane energy to defend himself. A barrage of small mana spikes hit him right as the barrier was done manifesting fully, blasting Jake further down the labyrinth hallway but failing to penetrate the barrier.

He knew he couldn’t land on the ground as spikes would just pop up, so Jake ran on the wall for a bit as he made his way down the long trap-filled labyrinth hallway while avoiding all the remaining traps. At least he tried to. A net of lasers shot after him not soon after, followed by an incredibly fast-moving spike that came out of seemingly nowhere, but before Jake could even address these two, he had to consider something else.

Runic circles began glowing on the ceiling and walls as energy intensified. Jake instantly understood what was about to happen as he gritted his teeth and blasted arcane mana to launch himself down the hallways as quickly as he could while also dealing with the damn everpresent mist.

This decision did mean a sacrifice had to be made as one of the lasers hit him, taking his left arm clean off. It hurt like hell, but it had to be done. Flying down the hallway quickly, Jake hit the back wall and kicked off it as he got around the corner.

Right as he did so, an explosion sounded out as the entire hallway erupted with intense mana, the ceiling even collapsing in a scripted event, blocking off the path. Jake didn’t doubt for a second he would have died if he had stayed there or been just half a second slower.

“Maybe I should have taken the non-shortcut route,” Jake muttered to himself as he regarded his missing arm. Taking out a health potion, he quickly chugged it and focused on his Blood of the Malefic Viper skill as the arm began to regrow at a visible pace.

“Wow, really? But that would have wasted an entire hour or something horrendous like that!” Minaga chimed in, always ready to add his two cents.

“Oh, good point. Yeah, definitely picked the right hallway,” Jake said with a smile.

These trap hallways had begun to get quite dangerous. By now, everything could kill him, and the attacks moved so fast that Jake could only react due to his near pre-cognitive instincts. He had noticed that some attacks could still be blocked even if Jake should logically not be strong enough to. The barrage of small mana spikes being one such example. If it was dungeon-fuckery or some unique properties of these attacks, he didn’t know, but his stable arcane mana did wonders.

For most attacks, blocking was entirely out of the question, though. The lasers would burn through anything Jake could summon, with him only feeling confident in blocking with Eternal Hunger if he absolutely had to. However, even then, the remnant energy that hit him scorched his flesh. Any physical attack was also not gonna happen as the sheer impact would rip both his arms off.

“So, is it hard enough for you yet?” Minaga asked.

“Considering I managed to do the hallway while only losing an arm, I am sure I can handle it getting a bit harder. But yeah, things are definitely improving with every section,” Jake said with a smile as he continued onward. Walking a bit forward, he saw a hole in the ceiling, and without further ado, he jumped as he went up a floor.

A new kind of Labyrinth Section appeared at number one hundred. One that Jake hadn’t even considered before, but honestly, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise. It was a multi-layered labyrinth with two floors. It was as if the labyrinth had gotten a basement that one had to use to pass certain sections by either passing through on the first or second floor.

This in itself wouldn’t be that difficult… except the walls could move up and down, with some of them being triggered by the person doing the labyrinth. However, you could only trigger a gate on the opposite floor of the one where you needed to move the wall, making it all quite a complicated puzzle. Well, it was complicated for regular people. Jake, on the other hand, could easily piece together which walls he had to move and see all the trigger mechanisms right as he entered the Labyrinth Section.

So section one hundred hadn’t added the feared third limiter obstacle Jake hoped wouldn’t come. When he reached section one-hundred and three, the labyrinth was expanded once more as a third floor was added. At one-hundred and seven, a fourth one came, and at one-hundred and ten, the fifth one arrived.

Jake realized that Minaga had decided to increase the difficulty of the labyrinth, not simply by making it longer but by adding an entirely new dimension. A usual labyrinth was very much a two-dimensional puzzle, but the further he got after section one hundred, the more it became a cube as it turned into a three-dimensional labyrinth.

It only got more and more complicated the more sections he passed until soon, even Jake had to admit he began to struggle and get challenged. It had to be mentioned that even if Jake had an overpowered Pulse of Perception, the labyrinth could still get so damn complicated Jake still had to take his time and think about how to solve it.

He had to consider which walls to raise and lower, which teleporters could potentially be used, which paths he had to avoid entirely, and finally, to create an entire route that he could complete in time. Okay, the time limitation still wasn’t a real problem quite yet, but he had a feeling it would be soon.

Because right now, Jake was in Labyrinth Section 151, and by now, it was pretty much just a giant cube. He had to climb up and down all the time to get to the exit that was often incredibly far away, with a shitload of near-impassible obstacles in between. These trap hallways were something Jake could still do, but he had reached his limit somewhere.

Jake, having run for a few hours and with a newly fully regenerated arm, snuck around a corner and took a quick glance in to confirm something. What he saw was a creature that stood in front of a large barrier, with a shimmering wall nearly right in front of him. He knew that if he passed this wall, he would be trapped in there with the gatekeeper until one of them died, so he couldn’t just escape even if he wanted to. The shimmering wall also marked when space would be expanded, as each gatekeeper pretty much had an entire arena to itself. Fighting in a hallway wasn’t going to happen, after all. Especially not when it came to the kind of gatekeepers Jake now found himself facing if he wanted to pass these barriers.

What stood in there was a large mammal-like beast with massive arms, each with long blades growing out of it. Its body looked more metal than flesh. It was about five meters tall, very bulky and bear-like, and looked to be a slower tanky variant. As it stood on two legs reminiscent of a werewolf, and even with the shimmering wall, he could feel its presence subtly come through.

[Scytcheborn Gatekeeper – lvl ???]

He had been right… after facing peak C-grades from around section one-forty, he had now truly graduated beyond the grade and found himself before a true-blue B-grade. And, based on what he guessed, it wasn’t necessarily a horrible variant either.

“Hey… Minaga…” Jake muttered.

“You’re thinking about doing it, aren’t you?”

“I was just wondering… are there any rewards from getting to a certain section without dying?” Jake asked. “Like, if I somehow died now, would it screw me over in any way?”

“I can’t answer that. Oh, by the way, on an entirely unrelated note, did you know that B-grades aren’t really meant to ever appear in this C-grade version of the Challenge Dungeon? So, if you do ever happen to encounter one, surely it is indicative of you having gone far beyond the norm. Just food for thought,” Minaga super subtly hinted.

Jake smiled at the response as he kept observing the B-grade for a little while, trying to get a feel for it.

He still had five lives or attempts remaining. Five resets, so to say. While it probably wasn’t necessarily the smartest, Jake believed he couldn’t let go of a chance like this. To face a B-grade in an actual battle without any genuine risk of death was a rare opportunity and would give him invaluable experience for when he would truly hunt one down.

Yeah, it definitely wasn’t just Jake really wanting to fight it. It was definitely a decision rooted in logic and reason.

“Wish me luck,” Jake smiled as he walked toward the shimmering wall, not bothering to make any real preparations. He was just testing the waters, after all.

“I hope you die a horrible death that demotivates you so much you become unable to do any more sections. Oh, or maybe the experience makes you dead-set on revenge, making you spend all your other attempts going back here over and over again to exact vengeance upon the gatekeeper,” Minaga said with a hint of hope in his voice.

“Both very realistic scenarios for sure,” Jake shook his head as he reached out his hand and touched the shimmering barrier. “Now let’s see what a B-grade can truly do.”

Minaga stayed silent as Jake focused. Passing through the wall, the entire world warped as the wall expanded rapidly. Jake soon found himself standing inside a massive chamber with the B-grade gatekeeper at the far end. He thought for a moment it didn’t know he was there until its attention firmly landed on him, making Jake temporarily freeze.

From several kilometers away, it just stared at him with two large beady eyes. Jake resolved himself as he pulled out his bow, ready to attack. Pulling out his bow apparently registered as an act of aggression, making the B-grade react instantly, making Jake’s danger sense immediately respond, Arcane Awakening even getting triggered at the stable 30% right off the bat.

Jumping to the side, Jake barely avoided two crescent metal blades stabbing out of two small slits in space, the B-grade at the far end having raised an arm. Surprised at Jake dodging, it let out a low growl that sent a shockwave of sound through the chamber. Jake felt Pride of the Malefic Viper get impacted as the mental attack hit, but he managed to stay unaffected and even dodge the follow-up as space once more warped around him as scythe-like blades pierced out.

Pulling out an arrow, Jake released a potshot toward the B-grade. It didn’t even move to dodge but simply motioned as a blade appeared to block it. Jake smirked a bit to himself as the arrow flicked itself to the side, dodging the blade and continuing its way toward the B-grade that seemed genuinely surprised.

In the end, it chose to take the blow directly as it swatted at the arrow. Jake wanted to manipulate the arrow to dodge the blow, but he wasn’t fast enough. The metal-covered claw made the arrow explode, dealing no damage at all. All he accomplished instead was to annoy the B-grade as it became even more offensive than before.

Using the same arm that it blocked the arrow with, it swung widely, releasing an odd wave of energy. Mana gathered around the energy of the wave as soon spinning metal scythes manifested in mid-air, with hundreds flying toward Jake less than a second later.

Jake reacted by flying into them, dodging every single one as he even got off another potshot that was once more easily blocked. His ability to dodge and even launch annoying small attacks only seemed to trigger the gatekeeper as it released another annoyed growl.

A silver-like aura appeared around the beast as it bent its legs. Jake instantly dismissed his bow and pulled out his katars just in time as his opponent shot toward him. Air and space were cut in its wake as it soon reached Jake, swinging down its massive glowing claw.

Minor cuts began appearing all over Jake just for being in the beast’s presence and looking at the descending blow, he knew he had no leeway to hold back. Arcane Awakening activated at full power as the claw reached him, smashing into his body.

At least a body.

Curse energy dispersed as his Eternal Shadow took the hit, Jake having launched himself forward straight for the beast. Stabbing forward with Eternal Hunger, Jake got in a surprise hit as Penetrating Fang struck the beast in its stomach. The metal-like skin and fur offered incredible resistance, but Jake’s stab was designed to penetrate armor, allowing him to get through.

A loud roar resounded as the beast clearly hadn’t ever expected to get injured. Jake, with his hand still firmly stabbed into the beast, opened his eyes widely as he let go of his katars and jumped back as fast as he could. The entire body of the gatekeeper began to shimmer as every single one of its hairs seemed to turn into metal scythes, its aura and the white energy surrounding it rapidly growing in power.

However, even as he dodged back, his sense of danger still went strong. The beast let out a long, drawn-out growl as its body began to glow more and more, Jake making as much distance as he could. The sound of the growl slowly started to sound more… metallic and high-pitched as the gatekeeper’s aura stopped spiking, and the silver light reached a crescendo.

In the very next second, its body exploded. Every single hair-scythe shot out and began to revolve around the B-grade in a tempest of silvery spinning blades. In the center, the light subsided as the B-grade slowly stood up, having entirely changed. Its formerly bulky body had grown from around five meters to more than ten and turned lithe and lanky, with all its limbs now just thin scythes. It looked more like a silver statue or mannequin than a beast at this point, with even its face entirely gone, making Jake doubt if it had ever been a beast, to begin with.

Jake took a defensive stance as a loud, high-pitched sound echoed in the room. His vision temporarily swayed, and he barely managed to dodge a scythe-like appendage that struck down where he had just been standing. The floor of the labyrinth exploded from the impact, sending stones flying everywhere as Jake scrambled.

Before he had the slightest chance to do anything, the monster was upon him again. The spinning scythes came in from all sides as the faceless and emotionless gatekeeper descended with speed far above what Jake could handle, and as the many attacks closed in, Jake felt pretty confident.

Not about winning, mind you.

Yeah… maybe I shouldn't be facing B-grades quite yet.



0-0 i will admit i live on this patreon page, thank you for the chapter 🙏

Bob Fight

God dang it I swear some of of y’all live in the dang Patreon page for this book I literally just got this notification and y’all have already been here for 2 minutes


Oh boys i’m late


I bet the gods are loving this. Able to damage a B grade in mid C




Oh I'm going to love this.


Let's go. Jake needed this. Jake needed to be humbled by what I can only assume is a low tier varient.


good fight, completely expected him to do this. he has four free lives to experiment after all, waste not to try


Great chapter :)

Dave Kemp

Anyone here or discord ever hear how many more chapters are in nevermore?

john henderson

I'm honestly hoping that Jake turns out to be even more overpowered towards this specific type of guardian beast with his new smolder. Just shoot it some kissy eyes straight to the soul, and since its just a guardian tied to a spell rather than a true dungeon npc it evaporates. Like, imagine Minaga's reaction. Imagine Villy's reaction to Minaga's reaction. Then Jake's reaction to other Minaga's reaction, and other Minaga's then reaction to Jake's reaction to other Minaga's reaction. And of course Valdy just guzzling a barrel of plutonium laughing his ass off, while Artemis becomes more than just a river in Egypt, and the Wyrmgod calmly says "huh, didn't expect that."


Maybe if he had a bunch of overpowered items designed to take out that specific B-grade he would be able to. 🤪 Glad to have a little fighting scene! An accomplishment he survived as long as he did, to be sure. At least now he knows not to face any of the big bads for the rest of his time in the labyrinth. I wonder how far he’ll make it. I’m gonna guess somewhere in the late 100s or early 200s, though it’s hard to know since it the hallway he went down was a shortcut and thus more trapped than the regular way.

Justus Saucedo

Yeah glad Jake still has room to get better. Good to know he's not so op he can beat a B-grade

Bob Fight

Well we have 2 or 3 more challenge dungeon’s left so probably like another 30 at least


I bet Jake can beat a weak crafter variant b grade. Stats come from class/professions/race levels. A b grade can have relatively poor stat alocation all the way to beginning b grade and still have the records to evolve. Records come from everything not just class quality. I bet that Jake could even out stat a weak b grade.

Mohammed Sheekh

I just can't wait when he gets his pinnacle tier or mythical tier title. also I have a question, doesn't valdemar or aeon clok know about Jakes origins, they are the first humans in the systems history after all


2 more challenge dungeons left after this one and then 10 more years climbing, so I would guess more like 40-50 chapters depending on the detail of the final levels they climb and if anything happens in between.


Yeah it would be very unlike him to not take the opportunity!



Chase Koehn

All the gods are shaking their heads with smiles on their faces right now for sure. Tftc!


I totally called it he's definitely going to domain awaken this B grade lol


How did you get the notification so quick? Mine came in like 3 minutes ago

Darnell Maxwell

He didn’t even notice the beast appear, because Jake Thayne laughs in the face of death.

Michael Fannon

They are not the first humans, they are the first human gods. The great sage lived and died long before they ascended for example.


Right as he did so, an explosion sounded up as the entire hallway erupted with intense mana remove 'up' Yeah, it definitely wasn’t just Jake who really just wanted to fight it. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t just Jake really wanting to fight it.

Ty Cooper

I am looking forward to Arty's reaction will be if he wins next chapter. Well at least get her POV after watching Jake tease Miriga and annihilating his labyrinth. I have a feeling she is going to take Jake to the Emerald Forest for a hunt date.


good chappie

john henderson

Pro tip for everyone: Really looking forward to ____ after Nevermore Sounds infinitely better and so much less bitchy than Omg wow another nevermore chapter? Can’t you just abruptly end it mid arc because I whine about it every single week And conveys the same message, while supporting the work, without just making you seem terrible.


Well i wasn't expecting that, a b-grade. Bets on if he is stubborn enough to use all his attempts of beating it? If all else fails he bangs his head at the wall till he breaks the problem! But this raises an important question: How strong is a B-grade actually. I remember Jake asking Villy about it when they were talking about the Prima Guardian event. It doesn't seem impossible anymore that an early B-Grade will be spawned for the forces of Earth to fight. And sure maybe Jake solo cannot handle it but Jake's party plus the rest of Earth's geniuses i have a feeling it will be a fierce and glorious fight on the levels of the Monarch fight!

Michael Fannon

So Jake is solidly in the B-grade portion of the labyrinth, if just the beginning of it. Pretty sure he won't be able to get much further now, but I think Jake should get the 25% bonus for making that far that fast. So any bets on the next one?


You're the only person that has mentioned the negatively surrounding Nevermore today. Also, your comments are nearly incomprehensible.

Michael Fannon

I don't think Jake will make it much further. He is in the early B-grade area and already can't beat the guardians and can only barely get through the traps, and not without losing a limb. The traps and monsters will soon be too much for Jake's current stats to deal with at all.


He probably could, but that B would have to be an absolute bottom feeder. Jake is level ~160 rn, the weekest B grade would have to be level 300, though he could have a class at 150, breaking through with minimum requirements. That would mean he only has 2/3 of the stats you would expect a B-Grade to have. The 150 levels in C grade are each worth 3x as much stats as the 100 in D and 9x as the 50 in E. Basically, he has 200 leves worth of C stats. Jake has currently only 60 worth of C Stats. That being said, if Jake got twice as many stats per level as the bottom feeder, he would have 120, +50% from his Achievements makes 180. Still looks like the B grade has him beat, until you remember he only has 2 of his 3 Paths vompleted, so the B Grades 150 C levels are only worth 100 C levels in actuality, meaning he is at 150. So Jake would out-stat him, but barely (this also ignores the B Grade Stat-Boostimg title, though Jake should still come out slightly ahead with all his flat stat titles the B wouldn't have)

Hodge Wasson

True that nobody has been harping on it lately; however, today does seem to be the exception rather than the rule. Personally, I find his comment perfectly comprehensible, if somewhat invalid for today in particular. Never hurts to remind people to take a kinder approach in their criticism.


Tbh I think it’ll just take more and more time. if he plots his routes as well as possible avoiding stuff rather than taking shortcuts, the only limit will be when he reaches a labyrinth that has no clear routes and he HAS to face an enemy. Or something like that


Great chappy, thanks!

Michael Fannon

So what is after nevermore? There's the Prima thing, Jake doing the orgin thing with Jake juice, the whole conflict with Yip, plus the relationships Jake is going to have deal with. I really want him to come home to find Meira's family is now living with him. Side note, though it hasn't been explicitly stated, there have been enough hints that I think Jake is going to eventually end up spending a good portion of B-grade conquering the milky way. Then there's whatever happens whenever the 93rd universe opens up.


Yes, but my bad. I forgot it’s not 100 levels per grade. Thought the levels from the god meeting pushed him to mid

Michael Fannon

Don't forget they only beat the momarch because of the literal sacrifices from the holy church.


This specific mini-arc is growing on me. I like the divine commentary. Gives me more of a Livestream feel than a video game feel I felt initially with Nevermore.


Jake is level 257. The B grade starts with Level 350. The rest of it is... stats come from your level and how good the combination of your class, past classes, race, past race, profession, past professions, titles, equipment, and more is... We lack too much information to make an effective comparison between the bottom feeder low B grade and the prodigy of middle C grade. We couldn't properly make one even if we were talking about humans, for we lack even the information on the minimal stats per class profession for each grade.


I doubt he will, he just admitted he wasn't yet ready to face a b grade. It's not like he hasn't tried fighting above his grade, found himself in over his head, and then waited till he was stronger before. Why would that change now. If he can get around and complete the section without killing the b grade, no need to waste another life on it.


They aren't first. But Valdemar is quite likely the oldest Human alive. We know that he lived during the integration of the first universe, while Aeon the other human primordial was born into the system. But even then I think that alone doesn't help them with understanding Jake's powers.

Daniel Hamilton

Hopefully he deep dives into his bloodline and goes all out to try and master it more and gain understanding.

Daniel Hamilton

On the other hand, he’s had some time to build up more origin juice so maybe he can open his bloodline more, and it has yet to evolve like it has at the other grades

Daniel Hamilton

I think people forget how big of an event nevermore is in the Multiverse, the magnitude and size of it and the rewards that go along with competing on the ledger boards and coming out on top. It’s a unique Multiverse treasure ran by a primordial God. It’s not a random small event. Deserves extra attention to build depth and bring it to life.

Daniel Hamilton

And we’re still waiting for that blood line to evolve to c grade level if I remember. This could be the fight that helps him make it happen and gives him more control of it.

Daniel Hamilton

He needs to be pushed, his goal is not just trying to become a God, it’s to surpass the primordials and become the Apex predator of the Multiverse.

Daniel is ŁØNE

I mean once he as at the cusp of B-grade I'm almost certain he'll kill one before he makes the transition. He has pretty much killed something above his grade once before he transitions every grade till now so I doubt Zog is gonna break that cycle before we enter A-S grade territory.


Give me MORE!!!!

Daniel Hamilton

Not to mention what’s been happening with all the side characters, love those chapters.

Daniel is ŁØNE

As long as he takes routes specifically avoiding fights he could keep going until the traps are too fast for him to block and dodge and he hasn't reached that point yet. Sure he is already taking hits but we have to remember that as a C-grade it would take a serious beating to kill him and he can easily heal his injuries after making it through any trap via potions, not to mention that moment can still help him dodge an attack that should, by all means, kill him. We then also have to factor in the fact that since he is guaranteed to have multiple lives he has even more leeway for incredibly risky maneuvers since most of them regardless of how bad will have no consequence unless it impacts his soul in some way. The only reason I feel like he won't go that much further is because as stubborn as he is he might find a B-grade he can actually take on with enough prep that he might hyper-fixate on the kill, it's not even impossible too since he can go mass grind any C-grade enemies that appear before this point to boost his class levels by a decent degree.


The first era was witnessed by the primordials meaning they lived long before it. Which means there is history long before the system. Likely long enough for the very firsts to be long forgotten.


I too think Jake will get a huge reward even if he doesn't make it through all 4420069 levels in average. Minaga said that there shouldn't be a b grade in the maze which means Jake has been doing exceptionally well even only 150 levels in.


Both things you (Michael) bring up are avoidable though. He didn’t have to go through the hallway that had tons of traps and I think it was implied that he didn’t have to fight the guardian bc Minaga was saying that he hopes Jake would go back and fight the guardian and waste all of his lives on it. But he mentioned that time hasn’t even become a problem yet, so he could easily go the longer route around the areas with lots of traps.


@Daniel he doesn’t get experience in the labyrinth so he can’t grind levels 😥

John Balman

Damn I want more 😂

Michael Fannon

Nope, but if the next 2 challenge dungeons are also around the same length as the past 2, and the next few floors are treated the same as the post Minaga floors, then I'd say 40 to 50 more chapters sounds right. But the is assuming nothing major happens. One or both of the dungeons could be as long as the coliseum and there remaining floors could take 15 to 20 chapters each if they are big enough. That is also assuming we continue to get 1 or 2 side pov chapters a week.

Justus Saucedo

Yeah once he gets to mid C-Grade I think that's when he's gonna go for his first real try for killing one


His bloodline "evolves" during every race evolution (from E grade human to D grade human, for example). There were no indications that it's going to "evolve" again during the C grade. The quotations are there because, as per Villy's theorizing, the bloodline isn't evolving but is being "released" from subconscious supression.


Actually, he is in mid C grade. C grade is from levels 200–349, so Jake, as level 267, is in the middle portion (250–300). It's a lower mid C, but a mid C nonetheless.

Luke Scheffe

And that any complaints about irrelevant side characters is pretty much just as valid outside nevermore as inside. Most outside characters are just as irrelevant to the story as the ones inside nevermore.

One Winged Angel

Can someone explain the difference between a Godqueen/king and a primordial? I remember reading that there's effectively a cap of levels a god can had and those at the cap are godqueens/kings. So...I mean isn't a Godqueen/king the same power level as a primordial?

Austin Richins

Yeah, there's no way this will turn into a weekend cliffhanger tomorrow..

Kenneth Dennis

As to the level cap, I xant remember if there is one but in one of the earlier books it was said that Villy had gained a lvl or 2 from the benefits Jake being his chosen was giving him. As for the difference between godqueen/king and primordial is less about lvls and more about quality of power. I know there is more to it but I can't remember enough off the top of my head to give e more then this.


A primordial is literally just a god that came to power in the 1st era, so before there was a 2nd universe integrated. There was a lot less help from the system then, and no other gods to lead the way or give guidance or what have you, so the primordials are all incredibly strong since they were the few that managed to make it. I don’t know what specifically makes godqueens/kings, only that they are a higher level of god. Jake could potentially become a godking down the line but he could never become a primordial as that title is more about time than relative levels of power. I don’t feel like we’ve heard anything about a level cap, but you said “effectively” so maybe there is a plateau? As Kenneth said, Villy (and Duskleaf) got levels when Jake did the ritual that resulted in Vesperia (sp?) the wasp lady.

Austin Richins

When we're getting the story fed to us piece-meal, it's easy to anticipate the juicy bits. I think the complainers forget that this is story line and not a sitcom. If we were reading this as a published book and each scenario was skimmed over, we'd all be terribly disappointed. If anything, I'd say more context would be fantastic. We still don't know Dina all that well and it would be great to get filled in on what's happening with the rest of the party. Not just in action and events, but also perspectives.


A godking or gqueen can be on the same level of strength as a primordial, like Umbra for example. However, there will only ever be 12 primordials because the title is only held by the gods that ascended in the 1st era.

Micah Molina

Tbf, the way Minaga phrased it, "you're thinking of doing it", makes me think there are routes around fighting still; if more time consuming. While it tells us Jake's on section 151, it doesn't say how much time had gone by for his alloted 2 years. Although, it seems nobody else spends longer than about year and a half trying this Challenge Dungeon. So while he could go further, he's probably reaching the limit due to time.

Michael Fannon

Pov chapter of the Jake support group with Miranda visiting to recuit Meira for nevermore please.

Michael Fannon

Primordial is just a title for the gods from the first universe. They are insanely strong because they 1) had 92 eras now to become stronger and 2) became gods without any help for other gods. Godking is a rank. One of the side chapters said there are 10 levels of divinity and godkings/queens are those that make it to the 10th rank, though this isn't the highest rank by any measure since many non-primordials have been described as significantly stronger than godkings. There honestly isn't much in the description of god ranks and power levels yet though

Austin Richins

Primordials are specifically the beings that became gods before the 2nd era began. They are the most powerful gods for multiple reasons, including that they've been around the longest and each made it to godhood without any system assistance. Godkings/Queens are on a level above regular gods, but they aren't on the level of primordials. As far as I know, there aren't any thresholds separating gods the same way mortal grades do, nor does there seem to be a limit on how powerful they can grow. Whether there is an upper limit to hit or threshold to cross is unknown, as it has yet to be done.

Michael Fannon

I think time will be the deciding factor too, just not the 2 years (unless Minaga tells Jake just to get him to leave). Jake is at the point where he can no longer beat the monsters, soon he won't be able to deal with traps, and if the maze continues to expand, any safe passage is made with B-rank speed stats in mind, so Jake will no longer be able to take the long way in time sooner or later.


Primordials are the peak of power, below them are godqueens/kings who can realistically fight them even if they have no chance of winning 1v1. And then you just go from peak gods to people who just ascended. Atleast thats what we know sofar. And you become a god at lvl 1000 I believe?


Oh nooo don’t say it I already know he’s gonna whip out something way to hype and we will get our usual Friday pain

Paperback Hail6

Did we ever find out if minga is actually showing everyone this challenge dungeon? I know he mentioned showing everyone. Villy then mad a comment idr exactly. I thought after that comment that minga decided not to show everyone

Chase Koehn

I believe he’s showing the primordial group, yes. I think the Viper just wanted Minaga to admit he was only doing it so his complaining about Jake was understood. They all already witnessed his antics in person so not too much to hide now


The only level cap the book explained was that there is a finite amount of records and since records seem to build on each other there is an ever increasing amount of these records over the ages. Thus the level cap is the same as the max amount of records a person has. There isn’t a true level cap just a soft level cap because even a genius can only gain so many records if there is nothing else at the same level as him


I believe that it said that he is merely doing the fight because he can. Thus he isn’t at his limit or else it wouldn’t be because he wants to but needs to


No. Primordials rise to godhood during first era. Some were born during the first era like Aeon and some lived already during the integration of the first Universe like Villy and Valdemar. How long before the integration they were born wasn’t mentioned but we can probably assume that Valdemar being human and Villy being Viper had maximal lifespan of their species before the system (a century and a few decades tops respectively) aka they were most likely born in the century before the integration. And that's our extent of knowledge with theorising on top.


and here i am just wanting to know what Hawkie & his wife are up to.... I mean come on I miss Hawkie!! Another thing I would like to see is some more catching up with other characters & maybe a chapter with Sultan?

Olof Karlsson

Thanks to the chapter!