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Oops. A little late getting this out. Been a busy week at the day job and I just finally got an hour to write this up. Work (on the game, who gives a shit about the other place) is going well and we're gonna have a ton for you to do and see. At this point, many of the stories are hitting their stride and you should see where they'll eventually lead. Still, we have a few curve balls left to throw you.

In terms of technical work, there's only a few minor tweaks. Again, we're having to fix the coding for one of the menu options to show up under the correct scenario. I guess fixing the context for one thing caused another thing to barf up. Also, we added a new sound effect that got worked into the game for all scenes new and old. A specific little liquid-y noise that we felt was missing in the experience.

Our combination scene for this update is a fun night that gets a little with Saaya and Selene, which requires you to have spent time with both beforehand (if you know what I mean). For Saaya, it lands after her date at the pool hall. For Selene, you must have made a specific choice during your visit with her in her sanctuary. 

be aware, though, that in this release there won't be a Saaya story update. This is mostly because of where we're at in her personal story and the tonal dissonance between her next story and this event. Plus, this one's pretty big and took up her usual space in the development schedule and then some.

Thanks for your patience and interest,



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