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Okay, back at with 0.16.0 in development. As you can imagine, the main story's got some big stuff going on, at least at the front end of this upcoming chapter. And because of that, the Allison/Mira storyline will start to pick up some steam. You know, once you have a plot reason to be able to go back to it. 

With Mira being off the table for a while, we did have to look at some continuity fixes to other stories where Mira might pop up. Right now, it only really impacted Mina (if you hadn't finished her story), but there was going to be one new story in 0.17.0 that it would also cause a stoppage.

0.16.0 should also be the first time that we might need to use the bit of code implemented a while back for when you have more than ten stories to choose from. Of course, again, this requires you to have never finished Mina and have both Saaya and Kara unlocked. All it adds is the need to scroll down to see the "Elsewhere" choice and the minute you complete the current content for a girl, it's all back to normal. This will probably have more importance once the game is close to done and you replay it. 

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Love your stories Kinderfeld (Interim Domain and Now & Then). I do believe you make one of the best visual novels out there and the story is more than just fapping porn. However, please don't fell into the same problem as 'House in the Rift": the story became stagnant and author seem to just produce mild stories with just repetitive sex scenes.