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Since it's the Spooky Season again, October 2022's Patron-exclusive Wallpapers are gonna be Halloween themed. You see, in America, we like to extend holiday celebrations for as long as humanly possible. Christmas? Like 2-3 months. Halloween? All of October plus some. Thanksgiving? It gets some build up but it's mostly one day and not even that before people are thinking about something else. 

For our wallpapers, we have one with the mystical ladies of The Interim Domain: Mira and Apollyon. And we also have the cast of both TID and Now & Then dressing up for a party, including Carol as Ellie and Mina as Tifa.

October Patron-exclusive wallpaper #1 Hi-res version (3840x2160) 

October Patron-exclusive wallpaper #2 Hi-res version (3840x2160) 


- Kinderfeld




Thanks for the Halloween themed renders! My favorite is Carol as Ellie - which hits entirely too close to home given her experiences.