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Still plugging away. About 2/3rds of the way through the update, if the database can be believed. In terms of workload, Chapter Eight is pretty lengthy, purely because of how many of the scenes have variants based on previous choices and the girls' stats. Also, there is a conversation that can happen at different times/locations based on player choice with differing reactions from Carol and Naomi.  

The last third is going to be a pretty extensive build, so I figure between that and the inevitable reshoots/rewrites, I'll be deep in the work for the next week or two before I have an alpha build.

One technical change for 0.08.0: Based on feedback, there have been some minor tweaks to the way text is rendered. Name tags and body text now have a drop shadow (see top picture below - left is original, right is new). Also, I've added an outline for the red name text so that it's a bit more readable (or at least I hope it is). While the example below (bottom picture) may not be great, there are a couple spots in the game where the red text becomes a little difficult to read. 

Link text in the game--which is also red--has been changed to a different color to make it more legible.

Also, while it won't make it into 0.08.0, I'm looking into re-encoding some of the animations to improve their clarity. In the effort to improve animation quality for android players, I had to run the videos through one too many conversions. Boring technical explanation aside, I'm looking to reconvert the current animations to update them over the next few releases (as times permits). 

Thanks for your support.

- Kinderfeld




Thanks for the update, m8. The alteration to the text does look better, or easier to read at least. Can't wait for the new content...or well, I can, but I don't wanna! ;)


Yeah, who know that two lines of code and a couple pixels of drop-shadow would improve readability so much. :)


loving the game can't wait to see more come to it


Did another play through and notice that when Naomi tells Carol she's only kidding (after she asks when she get's a turn in the latest update) it shows Carol saying it, when it suppose to be Naomi. Does that make sense? I'm tired. I think you know what I mean, and if not I'll try to be clearer lol.


Good catch. I just went and fixed that for 0.08.0. Probably got missed because that scene got a last-second re-write just before Ch7 was finalized. Thanks!