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No rest for the weary. :) I've begun the development process for Chapter Two, though that statement is true for a lot of the game (a bit of the writing was in progress even before Chapter One launched). Attached below are my high-level roadmaps for the next chapter. No worries about SERIOUS SPOILERS as I've trimmed the scene data down to cast members and locations. Now, if you want to avoid any mention of new characters or locations you've yet to see, then maybe don't look too deeply. 

I've also got a checklist of sets and characters to prepare for the planned scenes. 

Writing-wise, the plot outline is locked in and I already have rough first drafts for a number of the scenes. As I already know the overarching story and 95% of Part One's plot, it's all a matter of getting the script to a place where I can insert it into the code. My process tends to involve getting the core writing done while placing the scenes and then expanding or adjusting as I review the scene for pacing or presentation. 

Here's a teaser image for Chapter Two to get you started:

- Kinderfeld


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