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I wanted to make some progress on my Raven sketch but there's something that doesn't convince me 100% and I got frustrated... so instead of wasting my time trying to fix some unidentified issue I decided to start a new one completely :D

What do you think? Which one do you like more? 




She's so beautiful


I like this one more!


I also like this one more! And maybe it's the left leg in the first one that's giving you issues?


I like that she's closer in perspective in this one. I like both pictures honestly 😄. Not a fan of chokers but this picture looks really good. Looking forward to how it looks in final with your awesome color technique.


This is really good! The pose feels a little more in-character for Raven than the reclining pose of the first sketch, but I think the piercings she had in the first sketch also feel right. Maybe those could get worked into this piece?


I feel like there's a number of things that look..weird? Like the head, the length of the torso, that left leg. It's like the proportions are all over the place, but I'm somewhat sure of their anatomical "correctness"..so I guess the problem must be the pose in general lol


Absolutely! I am a fan of nipple piercings, so I will definitely add them here too :P